释义 圆滑过渡,舍入 实用场景例句 全部 Rounding offthe evaluation result to an integer. 计算结果修约至整数. 互联网 Rounding - off the gross weight in this case cannot be considered as an inconsistency amongst the documents. 本例中毛重删掉尾数不能作为单据之间有抵触. ...
round off 美 英 na.弄圆;完成;使完美;使圆满 网络四舍五入;舍入;舍位入 第三人称单数:rounds off现在分词:rounding off过去式:rounded off 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 弄圆;完成,使成熟;使完美;使圆满;愉快地度过 释义: 全部,弄圆,完成,使完美,使圆满,四舍五入,舍入,舍位入 ...
The remainder of the function consists ofroundingupthe result to hours and minutes and constructing the result string. 其余函数部分用于将结果取整,得出小时和分钟结果,组成结果字符串。 This would not mean giving the UN Security Council a veto over its actions, orroundingupBritain and Togo and doing...
according to the rule of rounding off. cipa.jp 但是,比如将宽度为 101.4mm 的相机按照原来的方式以 1mm 单位进行标示的话,若采用 四舍五入规 则, 则为101mm。 cipa.jp The broken-down figures for each cluster do not add up to the total number of admissions due to rounding-off. legco.go...
Rounding up is making a number bigger, but not precise Examples of rounding up:65 —> 708—> 10 769 —> 800 I think rounding off is pretty much just rounding Examples of rounding off:64 —> 65802 —> 80012 —> 10 查看翻译 Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) ...
rounding off [undefined]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 圆滑过渡,舍入; 双语例句 全部 1. Rounding off the evaluation result to an integer. 计算结果修约至整数. 来自互联网 2. Rounding - off the gross weight in this case cannot be considered as an inconsistency amongst the documents. 本例中毛重删掉...
rounding off milling cutter 倒圆角铣刀 Rounding Top 圆顶 Rounding Bottom 圆底 相似单词 rounding n. 1.制圆,舍入,凑整 a. 1.圆的,环绕的,凑整的 on/off 打开/关掉 Off prep. a. ad. 离开…,断掉的,关上的,脱离的,中断的,免除责任的,休假的 off adv. 1. ...掉,...下 2.(离)开...
Rounding off,即四舍五入,是一种常见的数学取整方法,用于对数字进行近似处理,以达到简化数字表达或满足特定精度要求的目的。下面将
必应词典为您提供rounding-up的释义,na. 弄成圆球;使数目恰好;使成一个整数;赶拢; 网络释义: 四舍五入;舍入;上舍入;
A part of the account amounts rounded up or rounded off by a curvature. The part of the account amounts is separated into rounded amount and is automatically transferred to an account of a receiver, where the part of the account amounts is composed of decimal places. Authorization for ...