I wasn't talking about Math.round(). I was referring to Math.round approach, meaningMath.round(100 * x) / 100das a whole. I would appreciate if someone could give a value of x that would result in something like this 10.020000000000001 instead of two decimal places using the formula abo...
importjava.math.BigDecimal; importjava.math.RoundingMode; public class Main { public static voidmain(String[]args) { BigDecimalnumber = newBigDecimal("123.456"); BigDecimalrounded =number.setScale(2,RoundingMode.HALF_UP); // Rounds to two decimal places ...
Limit BigDecimal to n decimal places Limit BigDecimal to n places only In java, when you are working with currency and other important precision based calculation, you will useBig Decimal. In some cases you might want toround the number to two (2) decimal places onlyor, lets say, to n, ...
Really frustrated that I can figure out how to resolve it with Java Script. Can anyone take a look at the script below and possibly offer any scripting that will give a result of two decimal places as an answer? So, for example i may have result that comes up as 82.215. In this ...
Here, one thing to note here that there are many ways with help of which we are able to create a two decimal places in number without rounding. The methods are by using number_format(), sprint() and floor() functions. There are all used separately also to done this single task. ...
I have a form that needs to multiply two fields and then raound the answer to the nearest ten. Below is what I have, can someone please tell me what I am missing function DoubleRound(nDec, nValue) {// Rounding function - round nValue to nDec decimal places// use a double round to...
how to show columns with two decimal places how to show only even or odd rows in sql server 2008 ? how to show your total at the bottom? How to skip rows in excel file with OPENROWSET How to solve buffer latches problem How to solve Hint 'noexpand' on object <Table>" How to solve...
示例1: NumberToCurrencyText ▲点赞 7▼ publicstaticstringNumberToCurrencyText(decimalnumber,MidpointRoundingmidpointRounding =MidpointRounding.ToEven){// Round the value just in case the decimal value is longer than two digitsnumber = Decimal.Round(number,2, midpointRounding);stringwordNumber = Str...
Allow postive and negative decimal numbers only using Javascript allow the user to select the destination folder for file download? allowing a textbox to only enter date alternative to session variable An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application...
How can I round a doubel data type value to a specified number of decimal places. The Math.round method only rounds to a whole number. Sort by date Sort by votes Oct 12, 2002 #2 Blaxo Programmer Sep 3, 2002 49 NL check out thread269-375647 regards, Blaxo Upvote 0 Downvote ...