Limit BigDecimal to n places only In java, when you are working with currency and other important precision based calculation, you will useBig Decimal. In some cases you might want toround the number to two (2) decimal places onlyor, lets say, to n, decimal places. When to use limited ...
Really frustrated that I can figure out how to resolve it with Java Script. Can anyone take a look at the script below and possibly offer any scripting that will give a result of two decimal places as an answer? So, for example i may have result that comes up as 82.215. In this ...
I have a form that needs to multiply two fields and then raound the answer to the nearest ten. Below is what I have, can someone please tell me what I am missing function DoubleRound(nDec, nValue) {// Rounding function - round nValue to nDec decimal places// use a double round to...
convert the string value to 2 decimal places in nvarchar data Convert Time in Hours and Minutes to Decimal using T-SQL Convert time integer to HH:mm:ss Convert timestamp to varchar Convert to whole number, no decimal point Convert UTC time to Local Time (Daylight Savings Included) in SQL ...
Return the string"-1"if the rounded array is impossible to sum totarget. Otherwise, return the smallest rounding error, which is defined asΣ |Roundi(pi) - (pi)|forifrom1ton, as a string with three places after the decimal. Example 1: ...
If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your selection by clicking “Manage Cookies” at the bottom of the page. Privacy Statement Third-Party Cookies Accept Reject Manage cookies ...
Here are the threads that recommended using Math.round approach to round off to 2 decimal places. Did I miss out anything? Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 The problem isn't with Math.round(); it's with doing arithmetic on the result that is returned from this method!
importjava.math.RoundingMode; public class Main { public static voidmain(String[]args) { BigDecimalnumber = newBigDecimal("123.456"); BigDecimalrounded =number.setScale(2,RoundingMode.HALF_UP); // Rounds to two decimal places System.out.println(rounded); // Output: 123.46 ...
I have a double and I want to round this to 2 decimal places. I have seen in another thread, that u can multiply this by 100, then use Math.round, then divide by 100. This however does not seem to work Y David Crossett Ranch Hand Posts: 102 posted 21 years ago Aha! You have...
How can I round a doubel data type value to a specified number of decimal places. The Math.round method only rounds to a whole number. Sort by date Sort by votes Oct 12, 2002 #2 Blaxo Programmer Sep 3, 2002 49 NL check out thread269-375647 regards, Blaxo Upvote 0 Downvote ...