Every person is different and unique. But there are definitely predictable posture and movement patterns that occur and can lumped into the “Crossed Posture Syndrome” (CPS) pattern. All you have to do is go back to infant neurodevelopment to see what “ideal” is. Then look at a kiddo wi...
For a plank, get on the floor on your stomach, with your forearms on the floor. Keep your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and toes curled under. Press up through your shoulders to bring your core up, so your body is in a straight line from head to toe. Squeeze your butt and...
(中_ Eng Sub)Four exercises to improve rounded shoulders and hun 11:23 21.椎间盘突出与椎间盘脱出分别-(中_ Eng Sub)Disc Bulging VS Disc Herniation - Dr Matty Wong Chi 03:50 26.严重的颈椎退化什么运动要避免_ 05:27 27.腰椎孔狭窄症运动 08:48 23.颈椎椎间盘突出nerve flossing帮到你 08:...
看到這個體線,趕快抬頭、挺胸、縮回龜脖子吧!如果想徹底改善、不想一再地被打回到原形,那就好好面對這個不單純只是駝背,還結合了「圓肩」的多重複合式體態問題。 圓肩是什麼 ? 之前我們有介紹過駝背,是指胸椎部分弧度過大,背部呈現圓弧形。而圓肩的身體狀況是,肱骨往內旋轉,兩邊肩膀向前縮,通常伴隨著脖子向...