1、roundcubemail 安装 wget http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/roundcubemail/roundcubemail/1.1.4/roundcubemail-1.1.4-complete.tar.gz解压至 httpd 配置目录 tar-xf roundcubemail-1.1.4-complete.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/mv roundcubemail-1.1.4webmailchown-R apache:apache/var/www/html/webmail/...
简介此前我们搭建了iredmail邮件服务器,webmail使用的是roundcube,本篇我们为roundcube安装全局联系人管理插件。 1、下载插件 插件介绍:https://plugins.roundcube.net/#/packages/johndoh/globaladdressbook 当前最新稳定版是2.1,下载地址:https://github.com/johndoh/roundcube-globaladdressbook/archive/refs/tags/2.1.ta...
Though not strictly required, it’s a good idea to change the alias of the Roundcube directory in order to protect yourself from bots that target/roundcubeas a well-known door to break into your system. Feel free to choose an alias that suits your needs (we will go with webmail here): ...
May 3, 2019 by Jeff Wilson In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and perform the first-time setup of Roundcube on Ubuntu 18.04. Roundcube Webmail is a free and open-source web-based IMAP client, written in PHP. With its intuitive and desktop-like user interface, Roundcube ...
1 吧内要你先交押金的都是骗子,没实力的five5 VLC_C 笑死 彦彦彦彦 2-2 3 这个邮箱可以改密码吗 Dear素梦 彦彦彦彦 2-2 50 Roundcube Webmail登录上去怎么解决 贴吧用户_... 有没有大佬救救孩子,搞不定,有没有大佬帮帮忙 晚霞云彩 1-26 0 QZxHZM7D@032849.cx9418.com还有救吗 贴吧用...
# samba-toolgroupaddmembers your_group user1,user2,userX 使用下面的语法列出 samba-tool 中有关用户或者组的命令字段: # samba-tooluseradd-h # samba-toolgroupadd-h 第二步:安全 Roundcube Webmail 4、 开始修改 Roundcube 配置文件之前,首先使用 netstat 命令管道输出给 egrep 过滤器来列出 Dovecot 和 Pos...
接收流程:客户端WebMail发出获取邮件请求 ——> Dovecot接收请求,验证用户(查询数据库是否存在用户)——> Dovecot把邮件从本地拿出,交给客户端。 二、安装准备 添加DNS解析记录 先添加 A 记录 mail.yourdomain.com 解析为你的邮件服务器IP 再添加 MX 记录指向 mail.yourdomain.com ...
$domain=$userarray[1]; system("sudo /usr/local/bin/maildir-deletion.sh $domain $user"); 4、配置Postfix 一些属性意义,可以参考:http://www.centospub.com/make/postfix_smtp.html === 修改/etc/postfix/main.cf文件: sudo gedit /etc/postfix/main...
登录 Roundcube Webmail