绕过环形交叉口(Rounding The Roundabout) TIB-接近环形交叉口(Tibshelf - Approaching Roundabout) 调整环形交叉口(Realigning the roundabout) 接近Caw环形交叉口(Approaching the Caw Roundabout) 接近环形交叉口, 乙2028(Approaching roundabout, B2028) 接近环形交叉口, 一3064(Approaching roundabout, A3064) ...
绕过环形交叉口(Rounding The Roundabout) 小型环形交叉口(Mini roundabouts) 接近环形交叉口Porthmadog(Approaching roundabout Porthmadog) 接近环形交叉口, n55(Approaching roundabout, N55) 调整环形交叉口(Realigning the roundabout) 接近Caw环形交叉口(Approaching the Caw Roundabout) ...
Rounded Vowels roundel roundelay round-end step rounders round-face bit Roundhead round-head bolt round-head buttress dam round-headed Roundheads roundhouse Rounding Rounding Error roundness roundnose chisel roundnose tool round-off error round-robin ▼...
rounding error roundish round-leaved rein orchid roundly roundness round-shouldered ▼ Full browser ? ▲ Round-Turning Round-Turning Round-Turning Round-Turning Round-Turns Round-Turns Round-Turns Round-Turns Round-up Round-up round-ups round-ups round-wound suture (3) round-wound suture (3) ...
Looking for Roundabout intersection? Find out information about Roundabout intersection. 1. Brit a revolving circular platform provided with wooden animals, seats, etc., on which people ride for amusement; merry-go-round 2. a road junction in... Explanat
This prevents JavaScript rounding errors. float 0.001 autoplay When true, Roundabout will automatically advance the moving elements to the next child at a regular interval (settable as autoplayDuration). boolean false autoplayInitialDelayadded...
This prevents JavaScript rounding errors. float 0.001 autoplay When true, Roundabout will automatically advance the moving elements to the next child at a regular interval (settable as autoplayDuration). boolean false autoplayInitialDelayadded...
roundabout 英文roundabout 中文*['raundә,baut] a. 迂回的, 委婉的 n. 迂回路线
ceramic wafer (印刷电路用) 陶瓷饰面版 flip chip (集成电路片的一种封装方法) 倒装片 upside down mounting (集成电路组装的) 倒装 island (集成电路工艺用) 岛状物 graphic arts technique (厚膜电路制造工艺) 图形法 Marx circuit (一种冲击电压发生电路) 马克斯电路 top rounding (路) 上层环行 ...
绕过环形交叉口(Rounding The Roundabout) 小型环形交叉口(Mini roundabouts) 接近环形交叉口Porthmadog(Approaching roundabout Porthmadog) 调整环形交叉口(Realigning the roundabout) 接近环形交叉口, n55(Approaching roundabout, N55) 接近Caw环形交叉口(Approaching the Caw Roundabout) ...