To round up a number we need to apply the Excel ROUNDUP functionEXCELVBAEXPLANATIONExample: Round up a numberMETHOD 1. Round up a number EXCEL =ROUNDUP(B5,C5) The formula uses the Excel ROUNDUP function to round up the selected number in cell B5 to the nearest integer....
round单词本身有四舍五入的意思,up则是向上,表示向上取位, ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) 第一个参数是数值, 第二个是向上取舍的位数,取整数 如果num_digits 大于 0(零),则将数字向上舍入到指定的小数位数。 如果num_digits 为 0,则将数字向上舍入到最接近的整数。 如果num_digits 小于 0,则将数字向上舍...
Number.Round(1.2345, 3, RoundingMode.Up) 将1.2345 舍入到包含三位小数(向下舍入),输出结果1.234。 Number.Round(1.2345, 3, RoundingMode.Down) 语法 Number.Round(number as nullable number, optional digits as nullable number, optional roundingMode as nullable number) as nullable number 关于 返回将number...
Have you ever needed to round a number up in Excel but weren't sure how to do it? Don't worry, it's a common problem that can be easily solved. In this tutorial, I will show you how to round up numbers to a specific decimal place using Excel's built-in ROUNDUP function as well...
How to round up numbers in Excel TheROUNDUP functionin Excel is used toround a number upto its nearest integer, away from 0 (zero). The syntax of the ROUNDUP function is=ROUNDUP(number, num_digits). This function has the following arguments: ...
既然有UP,那么就一定有DOWN ROUNDDOWN函数用法和ROUNDUP函数一样,不相处在于一个是向下,一个是向上 当ROUNDDOWN函数第二个参数为0时,其功能就和INT取整函数相同了 Int( number )将数字向下舍入到最接近的整数,例: 与期相反,CEILING函数是向上取整 CEILING(number, significance),ceiling英文是天花板的意思,函如其名...
ODD- round the number up to the nearest odd integer. Excel ROUND function ROUND is the major rounding function in Excel that rounds a numeric value to a specified number of digits. Syntax: ROUND(number, num_digits) Number- any real number you want to round. This can be a number, refere...
=ROUNDUP(Number,Num_digits) A function'ssyntaxrefers to the layout of the function and includes the function's name, brackets, and arguments. Number(required) is the value you want to round up. This argument can contain the actualdatafor rounding, or it can be acell referenceto the locati...
round单词本身有四舍五入的意思,up则是向上,表示向上取位, ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) 第一个参数是数值, 第二个是向上取舍的位数,取整数 如果num_digits 大于 0(零),则将数字向上舍入到指定的小数位数。 如果num_digits 为 0,则将数字向上舍入到最接近的整数。