As a result, you will get all the rounded averages up totwo decimalplaces. Read More:How to Get 2 Decimal Places Without Rounding in Excel Method 4 – Applying ROUNDUP Function to Round Up to 2 Decimal Places ROUNDUPfunction’s syntax is the same as ROUND: ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) n...
We can apply ROUND function, ROUNDUP function, or ROUNDDOWN function to quickly round up/down percentage values to specified decimal places in Excel. Please do as follows: Select a blank cell beside the percentage values, says Cell D2, type the formula =ROUND(C2,4) (C2 is the percentag...
Example 4 – Rounding to Two Decimal Places To round a number totwo decimal places, enter the formula: =ROUND(C5,2) WhereC5is thenumber, and2represents thedesired decimal places. Example 5 – Specific Rounded Value Suppose you need a specific rounded value, such as rounding to the nearest0...
Round a Sum – Round off Formula You can place other calculations or functions within the ROUND Function. For example, you can round off a decmal: =ROUND(SUM(B3:B7),0) Round Two Decimal Places This example will round to two decimal places: =ROUND(B3,2) Round to Thousands This example...
The ROUND Function Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.Round to Nearest Whole NumberTo round to the nearest whole number set the num_digits argument to 0.=ROUND(A2,0)Try our AI Formula Generator Generate Round to Two Decimal PlacesTo round to two decimal places, set the num_...
The round formula in Excel allows you to round a number to a specified level of precision. Here is a basic explanation of how to use the round formula: The round formula takes two arguments: the number you wish to round and the number of decimal places to round to. For example, = RO...
Formula Description Result =ROUND(2.15, 1) Rounds 2.15 to one decimal place 2.2 =ROUND(2.149, 1) Rounds 2.149 to one decimal place 2.1 =ROUND(-1.475, 2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places -1.48 =ROUND(21.5, -1) Rounds 21.5 to one decimal place to the left of the ...
Formula Description Result =ROUND(2.15, 1) Rounds 2.15 to one decimal place 2.2 =ROUND(2.149, 1) Rounds 2.149 to one decimal place 2.1 =ROUND(-1.475, 2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places -1.48 =ROUND(21.5, -1) Rounds 21.5 to one decimal place to the left of the ...
2. Use the Decrease Decimal button on the Home tab to show fewer decimal places in Excel. Result: Note: the formula bar shows that cell A1 still contains the value 2.175. 1/6 Completed! Learn much more about rounding ➝ Next Chapter: Formula Errors Chapter Round Learn more, it's easy...
Trunc無法像 Microsoft Excel 一樣指定小數位數。 必要時改用RoundDown。 單一資料行資料表 這些函式支援單一資料行資料表。 如果您傳遞單一數字,則傳回值會是該數字四捨五入後的版本。 如果您傳遞包含數字的單欄資料表,則傳回值是四捨五入後之數字的單欄資料表。DecimalPlaces參數可以是單一值或單一資料行資料表...