Round Table Pizza, Number 2 Road(Blundell Centre)4 条评价 人均:- 口味: 7.5 环境: 7.2 服务: 7.3 地址: Blundell Centre, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada 电话: +1-604-27513** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(4) 全部 图片(4) 好评(4) 中评(0) 差评(0) 旺旺Joe Round table圓桌武士披薩🍕...
figuring not unreasonably that rain is never far away. This is fine but the clouds have gathered a bit and together with the black umbrellas have drained so much light from the area that I can’t even see J across the table, let alone the menu. The clouds soon move on though and it ...