First function is resource allocation and second function is resources provisioning with task scheduling. Already many cloud load-balancing algorithms exist for load balancing. Algorithms are FCFS, Round-Robin, Equal load share and Throttled etc. Each algorithm has some disadvantage. We will implement ...
In This paper we used combination of Round Robin and Shortest job First algorithm. This combination improves efficiency and performance of load balancing in cloud computing environment. We implement proposed algorithm with the help of CloudSim 3.0 under VM scheduling policies. 展开 ...
It is compared with other algorithms, such as first-come, first-served (FCFS), and smarter round robin (SRR) algorithms. The performance metrics are makespan, execution time, and waiting time. The experiments were conducted in CloudSim simulator, and the results showed that RR_RT&M performed ...
Optimized weighted round robin is the approach employed for load balancing. We built a prototype application on top of CloudSim to simulate and demonstrate proof of the concept. The results revealed that the proposed methodology for load balancing is effective in the presence of nonpreemptive ...
CloudSimInternet of things servicesLoad-balancingQuality of service awareRound-robinschedulingVirtual machines2023 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.Round-robin (RR) is a process approach to sharing resources that requires each user to get a turn using them in an ...
Computer science Toward energy-efficient scheduling using weighted round-robin and vm reuse SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE AlNowiserAbdulaziz MAN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Abdulaziz M. AlNowiser, for the Master of Science degree in Computer Science, presented on November 1, 2013, at ...
The experimental results obtained using the CloudSim Plus tool showed that the DRRHA significantly outperformed the competition in terms of the average waiting time, turnaround time, and response time compared with several studied algorithms, including IRRVQ, dynamic time slice round-robin, improved ...
The experimental results obtained using the CloudSim Plus tool showed that the DRRHA significantly outperformed the competition in terms of the average waiting time, turnaround time, and response time compared with several studied algorithms, including IRRVQ, dynamic time slice round-robin, improved ...
The experimental results obtained using the CloudSim Plus tool showed that the DRRHA significantly outperformed the competition in terms of the average waiting time, turnaround time, and response time compared with several studied algorithms, including IRRVQ, dynamic time slice round-robin, improved ...
The experimental results obtained using the CloudSim Plus tool showed that the DRRHA significantly outperformed the competition in terms of the average waiting time, turnaround time, and response time compared with several studied algorithms, including IRRVQ, dynamic time slice round-robin, improved ...