例如: import mathvalue = math.pirounded_value = round(value, 3)print(rounded_value) # 输出: 3.142 7. 结论 (Conclusion) round函数在Python中是一个非常有用的工具,它可以帮助我们在许多场景中进行四舍五入操作。无论是在财务计算、数据分析还是其他需要处理数字的领域,round都能提供便利。然而,我们也需要...
python标准库的解释及翻译round(number[, ndigits])Return the floating point value number rounded to ndigits digits after the decimal point. If ndigits is omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. Delegates to number.__round__(ndigits).For the built-in types...
Python之数字的四舍五入(round(value, ndigits) 函数) round(value, ndigits) 函数 print(round(1.23)) # 1 print(round(1.27)) # 1 print(round(1.23,1)) # 1.2 第二个参数保留的小数位数 print(round(1.27,1)) # 1.3 print(round(10.273,-1)) # 10.0 print(round(10273,-1)) # 10270 # 传...
You don’t want to keep track of your value to the fifth or sixth decimal place, so you decide to chop everything off after the third decimal place. In rounding jargon, this is called truncating the number to the third decimal place. There’s some error to be expected here, but by ...
round() Return Value Theround()function returns the nearest integer to the given number ifndigitsis not provided number rounded off to thendigitsdigits ifndigitsis provided Example 1: How round() works in Python? # for integers print(round(10)) ...
the method so that passing in RGB decimal values will result in a hexadecimal representation being returned. The valid decimal values for RGB are 0 - 255. Any (r,g,b) argument values that fall out of that range should be rounded to the closest valid value.The following are examples of ...
Python之数字的四舍五⼊(round(value,ndigits)函数)round(value, ndigits) 函数 print(round(1.23)) # 1 print(round(1.27)) # 1 print(round(1.23,1)) # 1.2 第⼆个参数保留的⼩数位数 print(round(1.27,1)) # 1.3 print(round(10.273,-1)) # 10.0 print(round(...
round 在另一些情况下又可能是不准确的,因为 Python 的 round 有两个参数,第二个参数表示舍入到第...
format() 函数的基本用法 format()函数是通过在字符串中插入占位符来实现字符串格式化的。...占位符使用一对花括号{}表示,可以在{}中指定要插入的内容。...formatted_string) 运行上述代码,输出结果如下: Formatted value with comma separator: 12,345.6789 Percentage: 75.00% 总结通过本文,我们了解了在Python....
Python3 # using np.floor to # truncate the 'Marks' column df['Marks']=df['Marks'].apply(np.floor) df Output: Getting the round off value round() is also used in this purpose only as it rounds off the value according to their decimal digits. Here we can give that to how many de...