round() 函数在 Python 中有许多应用场景,以下是一些常见的应用情况,以及相应的示例代码: 四舍五入数字 round() 函数最常见的用途是对数字进行四舍五入,将其舍入到最接近的整数或指定小数位数。 num1 = 10.12345 num2 = 10.6789 rounded_num1 = round(num1) rounded_num2 = round(num2, 2) print("Rou...
Let's break it down:round is a built-in function in Python. The first argument x is the number you want to round.The second argument 2 specifies that you want to round x to 2 decimal places.For example: python result = round(3.14159, 2) print(result) # Output will be 3.14 In th...
round()函数是Python中的内置函数,用于将浮点数四舍五入到指定的小数位数。其基本语法如下: round(number[,ndigits]) 1. number:要四舍五入的数字。 ndigits(可选):四舍五入到的小数位数。 2.2 代码示例 以下是一个使用round函数的示例: # 进行四舍五入num=3.14159rounded_num=round(num,2)print(f"{num...
In Python, the round function can easily make the decimal accurate to the specifiednumber of decimal places. Just like I make 3.14159 accurate to two decimal places and it becomes 3.14. Isn't this amazing? 2.朋友,当处理数据的时候,round可真是个大救星!比如说,把5.678保留一位小数,结果就是5.7...
2. 3. 代码说明 def format_number(num, decimal_places): 定义一个函数format_number,接收一个数字num和希望的小数位数decimal_places。 return f"{num:.{decimal_places}f}": 利用 Python 的 f-string 语法来格式化数字,确保数字有指定的小数位数。
/usr/bin/python3 a = 3.1415 #Round off to 2 decimal places print(Round off to 2 decimal places : round(a,2)) #Round off to nearest integer print(Round off to nearest integer : round(a)) 输出结果: round的用法和短语例句 round 的用法和短语例句 round 有圆的;球形的;丰满的;完整的;...
To round all of the values in the data array, you can pass data as the argument to the np.round() function. You set the desired number of decimal places with the decimals keyword argument. The NumPy function uses the round half to even strategy, just like Python’s built-in round()...
Let’s see some examples that will demonstrate the np.round() function in Python. 1. How to round in Python using the np.round() function Here, we are rounding elements of a NumPy array representing various measurements to two decimal places in Python. ...
Example 1: How round() works in Python? # for integers print(round(10)) # for floating point print(round(10.7)) # even choice print(round(5.5)) Output 10 11 6 Here, round(10):rounds the integer to10 round(10.7):rounds the float10.7to nearest integer,11. ...
Each element inarray1is rounded to2decimal places as specified by the decimals argument in thenp.round()function. Example 3: Use of out Argument in round() importnumpyasnp# create an arrayarray1 = np.array([1.2,2.7,3.5])# create an empty array with the same shape as array1rounded_ar...