LO: to round decimals to the nearest whole number. 18/05/05 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开 分享到 新浪微博 QQ空间 请使用浏览器的分享功能分享到微信等 1000积分 剩余积分:0积分 标题:LO to round decimals to the nearest whole number 格式:PDF 页数:15 确认 ...
To rounddecimalnumbers to the nearest whole number, we always check the tenths digit, which is the digit to the immediate right of the decimal point. If this digit is equal to or more than 5, then the given number isrounded up, and if it is less than 5 then the given number isround...
英文:Round up to 2 decimal places 或者round up to the the nearest hundredth/100th 其中Decimal做名词表示小数,做形容词表示十进制的,e.g.小数点就是decimal point,精确到小数点后三位的计算calculations accurate to three decimal places Round up的反义词是round down, 比如我们上面说的0.356,如果是round do...
Round the decimal number to the nearest tenth. 6.69980 How would you round the number 450 to the nearest thousandths? Round x/(10x - 3) to the nearest whole number, where x = 0.30103. What is 0.05 rounded to the nearest whole number? What is 6.4 rounded to the nearest whole number?
以0.4567为例,round down to 3 decimal places,即为0.456。 “Round up”正好相反,表示“to increase a number to the nearest whole number, or the nearest number ending in zero”,就是数字向上舍入向整数靠拢。以0.1234为例,round up to 3 decimal places,即为0.124。 真正的四舍五入是“round off”,...
我们可以说“round off to the nearest whole number”来表示“四舍五入到最近的整数”。 2. 我们还可以使用“round up”来表示“向上取整”,使用“round down”来表示“向下取整”,以及使用“round to the nearest tenth”来表示“四舍五入到最近的十分位”。 三、round的实际应用 1. 在商业交易中,对价格...
We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers.我们需要把小数四舍五入成整数。The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number.该分数然后被乘以100,再四舍五入成半数或者整数。法律文件中,round常以rounded upwards/up、rounded downwards/down和...
以0.4567为例,round down to 3 decimal places,即为0.456。 “Round up”正好相反,表示“to increase a number to the nearest whole number, or the nearest number ending in zero”,就是数字向上舍入向整数靠拢。以0.1234为例,round up to 3 decimal places,即为0.124。 真正的四舍五入是“round off”,...
We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers. 我们需要把小数四舍五入成整数。 The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number. 该分数然后被乘以100,再四舍五入成半数或者整数。
If you round an amount up or down, or if you round it off, you change it to the nearest whole number or nearest multiple of 10, 100, 1000, and so on. 常见例句 We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers.