Round and Round the Garden这首英语童谣,也是非常著名亲子Fingerplay(手指游戏)。 跟着这首儿歌,妈妈可以用手指在宝宝的肚子上画圆圈,或者在宝宝胸部或者手臂上用手指模拟走路,给宝宝挠痒痒等。边听儿歌,边和宝宝玩起来吧! ●#歌词#● 👪 ...
英文儿歌:Round and round the garden《围着花园转啊转》 英语启蒙 英语磨耳朵 英语听力 2025年2月23日发布 美国小学英语课堂 12人关注 关注 00:32 英文儿歌:Round and round the garden《围着花园转啊转》 英语启蒙 英语磨耳朵 英语听力 美国小学英语课堂...
Round and Round the Garden: Play Rhymes for Young Children,围绕着花园,Sarah Williams,Oxford University Press,Round and Round the Garden
1302 0 00:30 App Amanda熊猫幼儿启蒙英语:大和小 Big and Little 1170 0 01:07 App Amanda熊猫幼儿启蒙英语:This is the way we go to school 1.5万 0 00:52 App Amanda熊猫幼儿启蒙英语:文具之歌 It's a pencil 1584 0 00:57 App Amanda熊猫幼儿启蒙英语:高兴与伤心 Happy and Sad 2.6万 0 01:18...
Round and round the garden,绕着花园转呀转,Like the Teddy Bear!像支泰迪熊!One step, two step,一步,两步,Tickly under there!滴答地在那里!Round and round the haystack,绕着草垛转呀转,Ran the little mouse!像只小老鼠!One step, two step,一步,两步,In his little house!在他的小窝里!
Round and round the garden, 绕着花园转呀转, Like the Teddy Bear! 像支泰迪熊! One step, two step, 一步,两步, Tickly under there! 滴答地在那里! Round and round the haystack, 绕着草垛转呀转, Ran the little mouse! 像只小老鼠!
Round and round the garden,绕着花园走呀走,Goes the little ___,小老鼠不停地走,Up,up,up he creeps,向上,向上,它向上爬,UP into his ___.爬进了它的家.Round and round the garden,绕着花园走呀走,Goes the teddy bear,玩具小熊不停地走,One...
Round and Round the Garden: Play Rhymes for Young Children Offers a traditional fingerplay song that is presented with bright and attractive pictures. In this title, a classic verse is brought to life as a little teddy bear sneaks up on and tickles his daddy... and ends up getting tickled...
NO194:Round And Round The Garden ⇑⇑⇑点击上方绿色小喇叭收听 歌 词 一起来唱 Round And Round The Garden Round and round the garden , 围着花园转啊转 like a Teddy bear. 像一只泰迪熊一样 One step ,two steps 一步、两步 tickle you under there. 挠痒痒啦! Round and round the garden...