February 15, 2025 Be sure tohit reloadto see new rough rock Click on the pictures below to see multiple views: First come - first served basis
non-treated gemstones, such as chalcedony, rough agates, jasper, jade, malachite, tiger eye, rhodonite, etc. Please note when ordering 1 for a rough rock, this usually means one pound. For others, a description on the product
Tiger's Eye receives its name because of the way light interacts with the material. When moved in the light, the stone exhibits a line of light that moves across the surface of the stone. These tiger's eye roughs have become very popular with our customers. They are sized mostly between...
We are operating Tiger Eye anddark blue semi precious stone quarryin Africa,then produced in China,so it is of high quality and professional skills. As we operate Tiger Eye and cloisonné blue onyx(big block) quarry,and we can sale blocks ,tiles, slabs,and arts. ...
What kind of semi precious stone products we can produce? 1) Blue sodalite(raw and slab) 2) Tiger Eye(raw and slab) 3) Amethyst(raw and slab) 4) Agate (slab)
before there were humans, or, at the end of the world after humans had retreated from the surface of the earth—nothing was moving anymore, anywhere, there was no longer anybody, nothing but air, stone, and water, things that do not smell, things that do not think, things that do not...
Product Material:Moonstone/Clear Quartz;Product Shape:Free Form;Plating:Antique Silver Plated;Length:28 inches;Product Weight:Approx 35 g;Service:OEM;Keyword:Moonstone Clear Quartz Crystal Free Form Necklace;Material Type:Other;Diamond shape:Other;Pearl
装箱数量: 220个 Product Description colorful the crystal set, using purple vug, pink crystal, fluorite, (Rough Stone), white crystal, amethyst, citrine, lapis lazuli, red jasper, Tigereye, aventurine (polished), outer packaging is linen sack, 更新时间:2024-12-10 15:57:30Yiwu...
EXT. MUSEUM - AFTERNOON Marie's car comes barreling into the parking lot outside the stone Museum building. INT. MUSEUM - AFTERNOON The Curator paces back and forth, like an expectant father, in front of the empty glass case that used to house the diamonds. Marie bursts into the Museum,...
Write & Wrong: Egypt Supreme Council Demands Return of Rosetta Stone Out of the Woods: Collectors Dumping Tiger Woods Memorabilia Good News, Bad Muse: Do Bad Moods Make for Better Writing? Assaying the Essay: Zadie Smith Asks “Why Do Novelists Write Essays?” ...