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Many passengers were sick during the crossing due to the rough seas. 由于大海波涛汹涌,所以许多乘客在乘船跨洋时感到晕船。 roughadvUS, informal(roughly)SCSimplified Chinese粗暴地cū bào de SCSimplified Chinese野蛮地cū bào de ,yě mán de ...
rough adj (sea: with big waves) (大海)波涛汹涌的Many passengers were sick during the crossing due to the rough seas.由于大海波涛汹涌,所以许多乘客在乘船跨洋时感到晕船。 rough adv US, informal (roughly)粗暴地;野蛮地;粗野地The sergeant treated us real rough. rough n informal (thug)暴徒;恶棍...
Sailors run into rough seasDevinder Singh
►詳細はシソーラスの参照violent5town/area etca rough area is a place where there is a lot of violence orcrimea rough part of town6weather/seawith strong wind orstormsOPPcalmThe ship went down inrough seas.7voice/sounda)not soundingsoftorgentle, and often ratherunpleasantorangryBarton’s...
• Sebastian Cermeno, went down in rough seas in 1595, along with at least seven sailors.• The latter on each occasion was either defeated by rough seas or spotted by enemy aircraft.• It took a bishop called Wilfred, who was driven on to the Sussex coast by rough seas, to make...