The meaning of ROUGH is marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface : coarse. How to use rough in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Rough.
rough•house (n.ˈrʌfˌhaʊs;v. also-ˌhaʊz) n.,pl.-hous•es(-ˌhaʊ zɪz)n. 1.rough, disorderly play, esp. indoors. v.i. engage in rough, disorderly play. v.t. handle roughly but playfully. ...
今天我们要学习的英语俚语是:A diamond in the rough. 含义 diamond是钻石的意思,而rough的意思是“粗糙的,未经雕琢的”。连起来,diamond in the rough, 字面意思是粗糙的钻石。 众所周知,钻石在未经打磨前就是块不起眼的石头,只有经过精雕细...
rough·house (rŭf′hous′) n. Rowdy, uproarious behavior or play. v.(alsorŭf′houz′)rough·housed,rough·hous·ing,rough·hous·es v.intr. To engage in rowdy, uproarious behavior or play. To handle or treat roughly, usually in fun. ...
this will give you aroughidea of the house roughish ˈrəf-ish adjective roughlyadverb roughnessnoun rough 2 of 4noun 1 :uneven ground covered with high grass, brush, and stones 2 :the rugged or unpleasant part of something nature in therough ...
Her singing voice is beautiful, but she needs help with her gestures; she'sa diamond in the rough. 她的歌声很动听,但她的姿态还需要指导。她真是一块璞玉。 The house is a diamond in the rough , and with some hard work it will be really beautiful. 这房子真是一块 璞玉 ,只要稍下功夫,就...
A4. C5. D1、 loud读音为/laʊd/; house读音为/haʊs/; mouse读音为/maʊs/; rough读音为/rʌf/.2、 television读音为/ˈtelɪvɪʒn/; station读音为/ˈsteɪʃn/; sheep读音为/ʃiːp/; show读音为/ʃəʊ/.3、 hear读音为/hɪə(r)/; hair读音为/heə(...
She's a diamond in the rough. 她现在还不是一名播音员,但是她很有潜力。她是一块未经雕琢的璞玉。 下面的例子里,一个刚买房的人对他的房子有什么跟别人不一样的见解呢? 我们来听听看: 例句-1:My friends don't have a very high opinion of the house I bought. True, it's small and outdated....
Create a bag completely your own, worthy of handing down. The online process is fun and easy, but we are right here if one prefers to call. Our in-house design team is on hand to assist. 207 808 5042 Design your own online & catalog national retail partner ...
this will give you aroughidea of the house roughish ˈrəf-ish adjective roughlyadverb roughnessnoun rough 2 of 4noun 1 :uneven ground covered with high grass, brush, and stones 2 :the rugged or unpleasant part of something nature in therough ...