in respect of rough diamonds, namely the fees for the initial registration as a registered rough diamond trader and the renewal of [...] (b) 調低各項須就未經加工鑽石繳付 的費用,即首次登記為登記 未經加工鑽石商及 該項登記續期的費用,以及發給進口許可 證及出口許可證的費用,至...
in respect of rough diamonds, namely the fees for the initial registration as a registered rough diamond trader and the renewal of [...] (b) 調低各項須就未經加工鑽石繳付 的費用,即首次登記為登記 未經加工鑽石商及 該項登記續期的費用,以及發給進口許可 證及出口許可證的費用,至...
3 made or done without (much) attention to detail, esp in haste or as a first attempt; approximate 粗制的; 粗略的; (尤指)粗率的或初步的; 概略的 a rough sketch, calculation, translation 草图、 概略的计算、 粗略的翻译 a rough draft of his speech 他的演讲草稿 Give me a rough idea of...
The unmowed part of a golf course. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-凯尔特文字典 anhweg langbot digompes langbot garow hanow gwann / hanow gwadn langbot 不太频繁的翻译 hager hager- rust tonnek 显示算法生成的翻译 类似于 "rough" 的短语,可翻译成 凯尔特文 as rough as a badger...
Define Rough copy. Rough copy synonyms, Rough copy pronunciation, Rough copy translation, English dictionary definition of Rough copy. n. 1. A current of air in an enclosed area. 2. A device that regulates the flow or circulation of air. 3. a. The act of
Shape, size, and roughness are geometrical factors underlying haptic perception. Shape and size describe the macroscopic form of objects while roughness is a statistical surface property at small length scales which can be felt by touch and seen as haze, but whose geometric details are usually not...
and let x be a maximal \(\delta \) -separated subset of \(\mathrm {so}(3)\) equipped with a suitable translation invariant metric. now define a partial binary operation as follows. let \(\theta >0\) be a suitable absolute constant (as opposed to \(\delta \) , which is ...
I console myself by remembering that reading women in translation is something that naturally seems to occur throughout the year in the course of my normal reading. As so it should. This year I have a few books earmarked for the month (fingers crossed), but I thought I would take a ...
a在粗犷张扬的刚性外表下,是柔软舒适的内在穿着感受,经典休闲,率性而行。从鞋面料到鞋底,尽显舒适柔软的贴脚呵护。男人,更需要呵护。 In makes widely known roughy under the rigid semblance, is soft comfortable intrinsic is putting on the feeling, but classical leisure, might as well line.Expects the ...
in respect of rough diamonds, namely the fees for the initial registration as a registered rough diamond trader and the renewal of [...] (b) 調低各項須就未經加工鑽石繳付 的費用,即首次登記為登記 未經加工鑽石商及 該項登記續期的費用,以及發給進口許可 證及出口許可證的費用,至...