score(ref, candidate_summary) for key in temp_scores: scores[key].append(temp_scores[key]) for key in scores: print(f'{key}:\n{scores[key]}') CopyWhen you run the code, you should see an output that looks something like this:...
reference)returnscoreshypothesis='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'reference='A swift brown fox leaps over a sluggish canine.'scores=calculate_rouge_score(hypothesis,reference)print(scores)
pred_num=len(gram_4_pred) correct_num= len(set(gram_4_pred) &set(gram_4_true))returntotal_num, pred_num, correct_numdefupdate_rouge_score(rouge,data=None,mode='1'):ifdata: rouge['Rouge_'+ mode]['total_gram'] +=int(data[0]) rouge['Rouge_'+ mode]['pred_gram'] += int(da...
python rouge-1.5.5/ -e data/reference -c data/hypothesis -a -n 2 4. 使用其他工具 除了以上方法,还有其他一些工具可以用来计算ROUGE指标,例如: ROUGE-Eval: ROUGE-Score:https://github....
A full Python librarie for the ROUGE metric in Chinese Language Task(paper). 专用于计算中文rouge指标的python库。 Difference This library based on thecodefrom pltrdy. Using the original code to compute rouge score in Chinese would meet some problems. For example, the stack overflow issue would ...
ROUGE代码实现pythonpythonroc 话不多说先上代码,ROC的计算方法各家是有偏差的,此代码经过反复验证,确认计算结果与通达信完全一致,这里周期取12日和6日,超卖指的是ROC小于-10:#请使用前复权的日K线数据import os#缓存数据class SecurityData: code = '' #股票代码 name = '' #股票名称 value = 0 #数值#定义...
python "$HYP" "$REF": { "rouge_l/r_score": 0.27272727272727271, "rouge_l/p_score": 0.27272727272727271, "rouge_1/r_score": 0.29999999999999999, "rouge_1/p_score": 0.33333333333333331, "rouge_l/f_score": 0.27272727272677272, "rouge_1/f_score": 0.31578946869806096, "rouge_2/f...
#真实摘要 rouge = Rouge() rouge_score = rouge.get_scores...(a, b) print(rouge_score[0]["rouge-1"]) print(rouge_score[0]["rouge-2"]) print(rouge_score[0]["rouge-l...,阈值,一定要相似性大于才会给出;如果是'rouge-1'比较合适的阈值在0.75 - score_type = 'rouge-2',rouge的得分类... tests .gitignore LICENSE File metadata and controls 167 lines (136 loc) · 5.72 KB Raw Older Newer Mar 17, 2017 Introducing ROUGE: A full Python Implementation of the ROUGE Metric Mar 17, 2017 ...