举例来说,ROU就是固定资产,那每年的折旧就计入Equity下的I/S表,同时Asset减去当年的折旧金额——B/S实现平衡 公司支付当期的lease payment的时候,Asset下的cash减少一笔,同时,确认一笔lease liability的intererest expense在Equity下的I/S表里面,lease payment - interest expense的差额用来扣减Liability下面的lease l...
prepayment和direct cost是计入ROU,增加ROU的,花掉的现金就直接计入现金,所以这两个都是直接dr ROU cr cash。而lease liability是dr ROU cr lease liability。incentive是收到的现金,减少ROU,是dr cash cr ROU 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《ACCA特许公认会计师F段+OBU本科学位班【签约班】》的学员和老师,如果想...
同学你好:因为initial ROU = initial lease liability + initial lease payment - incentive + initial direct cost,这道题目里ROU已知,incentive和initial direct cost都为0,initial lease payment是90000,那么可以根据这个关系求出initial lease liability。当然也可以通过折现未来租赁合同现金流的方式,但是实际和租赁有关...
You must also know the rate to be used in discounting the lease liability. The lease liability pertains to the obligation to make the rental payments using the present value of the future rental payment. Once the company has determined all the information needed such as the lease payment, ...
lease payment中,利息的支出计入I/S表的利息费用,(lease payment-interest =)lease liability的本金的抵减部分 扣减当期liability。 也就是说,随着时间推移,公司的借款会慢慢的归还完毕,所以liability的余额是会decrease的。 ---就算太阳没有迎着我们而来,我们正在朝着它而去,加油! 添加评论 0 0 1 回答 0 关注...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook ROU Also found in:Acronyms,Wikipedia. ROU abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) Uruguay (international car registration) [FromR(epública) O(riental de) U(ruguay)] ...
A: As previously described, the subsequent measurement of an operating lease’s ROU asset is largely a “plug” for the difference between the lease’s straight-line lease cost and the change in the lease liability (that is, the accretion of the liability based on the discount rate less lea...
Wikipedia AcronymDefinition ROURoumanie(Romania) ROURepública Oriental del Uruguay(Uruguay's Official name) ROURight of Use ROURapid Offensive Unit(fiction) ROURemote Operator Unit(interface device for SMART-T) ROURestriction Orifice Union ROURecurrent Oral Ulceration ...
目前,奇瑞公司已具备年产90万辆整车、90万台发动机、40万套手动变速箱及5万套自动变速箱的生产能力 The wonderful auspicious automobile limited liability company registered the being established in January 8, 1997, presently the registered capital is 3,880,000,000 Yuan.The company began construction in ...