Rottweilers, Rottweiler Breeders, Rottweiler puppies for sale, Rottweiler puppies, #rottweilerpuppies, #germanrottweilerpuppies, #rottweilerbreeders, #rottweilers, German Rottweilers, German rottweiler breeders, German Rottweiler Puppies, Rottweilers, Rottweiler Breeders, Rottweiler puppy, German Rottweilers, ...
are frequently used for stud service, available to females with merit who meet the OFA standards. Our Rottweiler stud dogs have competed in the style show ring, and have earned their CGC Title. We also have Rottweiler puppies for sale from our studs. You can visit them on our puppy page....
3.When our Rottweiler was a puppy and had to stay in his crate for a couple of hourse (like when we wanted to sleep!), we found that after a while he would begin to cry in order to convince us to let him out. This drove us crazy until we tried something just on a whim. ...