The quokka's range is a small area of southwestern Australia. They inhabit some smaller islands off the coast of Western Australia, particularly Rottnest Island just off Perth. Quokkas there have become very accustomed to humans. The species is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN (The International...
Rottnest Island, Western Australia, 6161 世界上最快乐的动物——短尾矮袋鼠的首页——罗特尼斯岛/瓦杰马普是一处度假天堂,拥有原始海滩、碧绿的海湾、自行车道和步行道。最棒的部分是什么?从我们首都珀斯的弗里曼特尔乘坐渡轮仅需 30 分钟即可抵达这个禁止汽车通行、注重保护的 A 级保护区,对于每位游客来说,这都...
🔗 罗特尼斯岛(Rottnest Island)是西澳大利亚州最受欢迎的旅游和度假胜地之一,被当地人亲切地称为“Rotto”。这里不仅拥有令人惊叹的景观和野生动植物,还有丰富的军事和海...
Lying just 19 kilometres off the coast of Fremantle, Wadjemup / Rottnest Island sits so tantalisingly close to the mainland that it can be seen on the horizon.
Whether it’s a wedding, corporate event or group function, Wadjemup / Rottnest Island offers an unforgettable setting for your next event.
羅特尼斯島(Rottnest Island)指南 原住民名稱:Wadjemup(讀音為「Wad-jem-up」) 歡迎 原住民 前往羅特尼斯島 最佳旅遊時節 無障礙設施 若想放鬆身心並為自己充充電,不妨前往羅特尼斯島,遠離都市的繁忙喧囂,享受美好的田園假期。 羅特尼斯島距離珀斯(Perth)的海岸僅19公里(12英里),環境恬淡幽靜,令人有如置身於世外...
The first records of human occupation of Rottnest Island date back more than 6,500 years, when the Nyungah Aboriginal people inhabited the area. Known to local Aboriginal people as Wadjemup, the island is of great spiritual significance to Aboriginal communities.Tourism Australia...
:( Sadly, the weather setup for these fires was very predictable and predicted in the wt360 severe weather reports issued last fall calling for the worst fire season in 10 years with a very early Winter start - it sadly happened. CLICK ON IMAGES FOR A LARGER VIEW The wt360 year-ahead ...
罗特尼斯岛位于Rottnest Island WA 6161, Australia,建议在珀斯乘坐“罗岛特快”🛥️到达罗特内斯特岛。.Photo via IG.跟着墨客旅行,舒适畅游澳大利亚&新西兰,解锁独特的当地玩法,定制你的独一无二自由行。#澳洲旅行##澳洲景点##澳大利亚##带着微博去旅行# 带着微博去旅行超话 2澳大利亚·珀斯 L墨客旅行的微博...