Rotten Tomatoes dataset情感分类 情感分析分类 引言 情感分析是文本分类的一种,主要方法是提取文本的表示特征,并基于这些特征进行分类。情感分析根据研究对象的粒度不同可分为文本级、句子级、对象级等,分别对相应单位的文本进行情感倾向分析。其中,较细粒度的情感分析为对象级情感分析(Aspect-level Sentiment Analysis, ...
数据集由制表符分隔的文件和“烂番茄”数据集中的短语组成。 训练/测试拆分已保留,用于基准测试,但句子已从其原始顺序中移开。 斯坦福解析器已将每个句子解析为许多短语。 每个短语都有一个PhraseId 。 每个句子都有一个SentenceId 。 重复的短语(例如短/常用词)仅包含在数据中一次。 train.tsv包含短语及其相关的...
Sentiment-Analysis-on-the-Rotten-Tomatoes-movie-review-dataset:烂番茄影评语料库是Pang和Lee在[2]中收集的影评集。该语料库已在[3 行业研究 - 数据集 心愁**rⅡ上传3.25 MB文件格式zipPython 对烂番茄电影评论数据集的情绪分析 烂番茄影评语料库是Pang和Lee在[2]中收集的影评集。 该语料库已在 [3] 中...
作者: Andi 摘要: Rotten Tomatoes has been my favorite entertainment Web site since I stumbled upon it more than five years ago. Launched in 1998, the site quickly worked its way up to becoming the internationally popular film review aggregate that it is today. Its famous... 年份: 2010 收...
Implementation of n-gram Methodology for Rotten Tomatoes Review Dataset Sentiment Analysis Sentiment Analysis intends to get the basic perspective of the content, which may be anything that holds a subjective supposition, for example, an online a... P Tiwari,S Kumar,V Kumar,... - 《International...
Distributionally Robust Classifiers in Sentiment Analysis. We considered one form of distributional shift (from IMDb dataset to Rotten Tomatoes dataset). We have confirmed through experiments that our DRO model does improve performance on our test set with distributional shift from the training ... S...
Yacine Nouri · 6y ago· 17,563 views arrow_drop_up13 Copy & Edit143 more_vert Rotten Tomatoes Sentiment AnalysisNotebookInputOutputLogsComments (1)Output Data Download notebook output navigate_nextminimize content_copyhelpSyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input...
Output 0 B Time # Log Message 4.9s 1 [NbConvertApp] Converting notebook script.ipynb to html 8.1s 2 [NbConvertApp] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 146.2s 3 [NbConvertApp] Support files will be in __results___files/ 146.3s 4 [NbConvertApp] Making directory __results___file...