Isograph Set color swatch Select color Assorted Tikky Graphic Fineliner color swatch Select color Burgundy Tikky Ballpoint Pen color swatch Select color Black Select color White Select color Blue The technical pen you choose must be made with high-quality craftsmanship to ensure a precise and ...
rotring 0.3mm Isograph Technical Drawing Pen (Ink not included) F... 4.1 (33) ₹1,795 ₹1,995 10% off Zig CARTOONIST MANGAKA Black 3 set 0.25mm, 0.45mm, 0.65mm, for ar... 4.1 (774) ₹167 rotring 500 Mechanical Pencil | HB 0.5 mm | Black Plastic Body |...
Not a big deal - just a question. Also, my first "major" pen purchase was a rotring 600 series triopen in '97 - and at the time, I thought that the 600/Newton labeling was almost synonymous or something, because I thought it was one line with more than one name. At the time, I...