Rotman Commerce Program 由Rotman商学院和多伦多大学文理学院(Faculty of Arts and Science共同监管,最终学位由文理学院授予。 2019年Rotman本科课程的录取率仅为10%,其竞争性与很多常青藤院校不相上下。被普遍认为是加拿大最难进入的商学院之一。 Rotman细分了三个专业供本科学生选择,分别是会计,管理,金融与经济。学生...
volunteerism, awards, entrepreneurial ventures, sports and the arts. We believe that exposure to a rich diversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience, and pride ourselves on building a diverse class of exceptional individuals who will go on to make the School proud as professional...
The Rotman Commerce Program is offered jointly by the Rotman School of Management and the Faculty of Arts and Science, providing a balanced approach to business that is unique among undergraduate programs in Canada. Our students receive a solid grounding in management fundamentals, while having the ...
,我们高中同学就没一个申请上Rotman的!!有的成绩很好,但最好的情况就是被调剂到Arts and Science...