Pre-tax: 收入不交税,defer - tax在提取的时候根据提取时的税率缴纳所得税。 Roth: 收入在存入的时候缴纳所得税。无论是本金还是收益,提取时,都不需要缴纳所得税。 一般而言,Roth和Pre-tax的额度是共享的。比如IRA账号,一年的额度是$6000, 如果Pre-tax(regular IRA)全占了,那么你就没有任何的额度继续存Roth...
Pre-tax vs Roth 401k contributions - both types of plans have advantages and disadvantages depending on your view on future taxes.
Traditional IRA vs. 401(k) Plan - Which Plan Wins? The Ultimate Roth IRA Conversion Guide - Everything You Need to Know Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA: Understand the Difference How to Retire at 50 in 7 Easy Steps How to Check Your 401(k) Balance Pre-tax vs Roth (After-Tax) 401...
Traditional IRA的取钱规则是Pro-rata rule:pre-tax和after-tax(也即basis) 必须以它们在traditional IRA中的比例被取出。例如traditional IRA总共有资金10k,其中1k是basis。那么从中取出3k,会包含2.7k的pre-tax money和0.3k的after-tax money。 Pro-rata即按比例的意思。美国人喜欢用cream in the coffee比喻pre-t...
“They will be able to choose to take withdrawals from sources that are pre-tax, like a traditional 401(k), or after-tax like a Roth 401(k),” says Snyder. “This can help them get more income out of investments and not go into a higher tax bracket.”...
401(k) plan的elective deferral在2006年以前完全是pre-tax。2001年的法案为elective deferral提供了Roth选项:从2006年起,401(k) plan允许参与者指定一部分elective deferral为after-tax,存入的after-tax金额即为参与者的designated Roth contribution。与pre-tax 401(k)一样,雇主可根据员工的设定,从每期的paycheck中...
"Both Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s are funded with after-tax dollars—meaning there's no upfront tax benefit for contributing—but once you get to retirement, you can withdraw the contributions and earnings totally tax-free1," said Hayden Adams, CPA, CFP®, director of tax and financial...
Roth IRA:Because you paid your tax bill upfront (when you funded the account with after-tax dollars), your withdrawals from a Roth IRA after age 59½ are completely tax-free. One other note on withdrawals:Traditional IRAs require savers to start withdrawing money in the year the account ...
Both the Roth 401(k) plans and the Roth IRA plans use after-tax dollars, meaning that the owner does not have to pay income taxes when they receive distributions, making this advantageous to those who expect to earn more money later in life. However, there are several key distinctions betw...
limits on the amount an investor can invest in different types of retirement vehicles. The IRS’s limits on allowable retirement investments by vehicle each year can influence investing decisions. They may also lead to splitting contributions between thepretaxand after-tax versions, providing for the...