在今天的视频中,我们将深入探讨一下备受欢迎的退休计划之间的差异。我们将比较和对比两种主流的退休账户选项:401k和Roth IRA。, 视频播放量 76、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 drwang_investing, 作者简介 投资创业经历分享,北大
Roth 401(k) vs. Roth IRA: An Overview There is no one-size-fits-all answer as to which is better, a Roth 401(k) or a Roth individual retirement account (IRA). It all depends on your unique financial profile: how old you are, how much money you make, and when you want to ...
Roth IRA vs Roth 401k: Which Will Work Better for You?Fortunately, most people won’t have to make a choice between a Roth IRA and a Roth 401(k). That’s because current law allows you to have both. That is, you can have a 401(k) plan with a Roth 401(k) provision and still...
退休理财账户VS人寿保险账户退休理财账户种类繁多,有IRA,ROTH IRA,401k,403b等等。简单的比喻,它是一个增加了“税务优惠政策福利”的股票理财账户。本质上讲,这些都是有“省税功能”的理财账户,前者大都在券商公司开户,后者在人寿保险公司开户。美国这么多理财账户,到底哪个最好?如果资金充裕,全部都来...
可考虑401K,可减少每年个人所得税,且有公司匹配。 例3│无金钱困扰,对投资有兴趣且希望能避税者 可考虑IRA,可减少每年个人所得税,同时也能透过退休金帐户进行投资,IRA的投资标的较多且投资所得无需扣税。日后若需要提取,亦可转入Ruth IRA帐户,转入5年后就能开始提领。
Is the Roth 401(k) Right for You? An Introduction to the Roth 401(k) What's a Roth 401(k)? CURRENT ARTICLE What Are the 2023 Roth 401(k) Contribution Limits? Roth 401(k) vs. Roth IRA How to Set Up a Roth 401(K) How to Maximize Your Roth 401(k)...
贡献和收益一起移到Roth IRA里,都不欠税。不过要注意,收益并不会因为这个账户转换就变成贡献。 投资组合可以平移到Roth IRA吗?不可以。Roth 401k里的钱先要被卖掉,再以现金的形式转入Roth IRA。进入Roth IRA后就可以开始投资了。考虑到Roth 401k里的投资组合不咋地,这步也不算啥损失。
Roth IRA因为增值免税,适合配置高成长类型的投资。pretax 401k取钱要交税,之后开始配国债可以放里面。并且有机会就做Roth Conversion。接下来聊聊具体的配比思路: 主要以index fund投大盘为主,增加配置一些自己看好的科技类股票。都以持有5-10年以上为目标,不做短期波动。
When the money goes from the 401(k) of your old workplace into your traditional IRA,there are no tax consequences. No tax consequences mean no changes to your AGI and no impact on your monthly student loan payments. What is the difference between an IRA Rollover and a Ro...
Using our IRA calculator, you can compare your options between a Traditional or Roth IRA. Adjust the values accordingly to help plan your retirement strategy.