因为Tax-Deductible IRA 有收入限制的,它不仅仅跟收入有关,还跟你所在的工作单位是否提供退休金有关系。 大家看看这张图,我们以MFJ(Married Filing Jointly,夫妻联合报税)为例,如果夫妻只有一个人工作,公司提供退休金计划,MAGI超过$124,000 (以2020年为例),那么工作的这个人他就不能放Tax-Deductible IRA,如果MAGI...
换言之,如果你的个人年收入大于$73,000或家庭年收入大于$121,000,则你存入IRA的资金就不能抵税了(Non Deductible)。既然报税时存进IRA的这笔钱无法抵税,以后把钱从IRA拿出来的时候还得交税,这个时候就应该优先把钱存入Roth IRA。 若想将IRA/401K的钱提早领出,但又想避免罚款,该怎么做? 可考虑将IRA/401K的钱...
🔄 Backdoor Roth IRA:一种策略,允许高收入家庭通过将Traditional IRA的资金转换为Roth IRA来继续投资。但需注意避免双重征税。 💡 操作步骤: 1️⃣ 开设Traditional IRA账户,存入税后资金(after-tax, non-deductible contribution),避免再次征税。 2️⃣ 如果Traditional IRA中有税前存款或401(K)转入资金,...
Roth IRA Traditional IRA Tax treatment Contributions are made with after-tax dollars; qualified withdrawals in retirement are tax-free. Contributions may be tax-deductible; withdrawals in retirement are taxed as ordinary income. Income limits Eligibility to contribute phases out at higher income levels...
With an IRA, you can also defer taxes until you retire, when you may be in a lower tax bracket. You may want to consult your tax advisor to review your particular situation on the tax deductible status of an IRA. The IRA is a smart way to save for a secure retirement. Are you eli...
If neither you nor your spouse (if any) is a participant in a workplace plan, then your traditional IRA contribution is always tax deductible, regardless of your income. 2. For a distribution to be considered qualified, the 5-year aging requirement has to be satisfied, and you must be ...
Created in 1997, a Roth IRA is the younger sibling of traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs).6 The most significant difference between these two IRAs is how they’re taxed. Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars, meaning that contributions aren't tax-deductible. But once you ...
问题1: 多存SIMPLE IRA(或者pre-tax 401(k)),将收入限制在146k一下是否可以直接存Roth IRA? 基于个人投资选择,Tony还准备做SIMPLE IRA -> Roth IRA的taxable conversion。但这会使他的taxable income重新超过Roth IRA的收入限制。 问题2:若因SIMPLE IRA -> Roth IRArollover使得taxable income再次超出...
Roth IRA的contribution limit还受Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)限制,高收入者不能直接做Roth IRA regular contribution。MAGI对traditional IRA限制的是抵税额度(deductible limit) 通常说traditional IRA存入的是pre-tax money,其实现机制是在当年收入中减去该抵税额度。当有公司提供的退休账户(quanlified employme...
If your income is too high to make a Roth IRA contribution, you may still be eligible for a traditional deductible IRA if neither you nor your spouse is covered by a retirement plan at work. See IRS Publication 590. (Look under "Traditional IRAs".) ...