-只要你们夫妻联合报税(Married Filing Jointly),即使一方没有收入,也可以开设和供款Roth IRA -2025年的供款上限是$7,000(50岁以上可以多存$1,000 catch-up) 当然,夫妻俩的总收入至少要等于两人的IRA供款总额正常情况下我给Alice 的基础建议应该是:把她先生每月的工资收入,先匀出一部分用于给两人各自的Roth I...
如果Alice和Bob在2023年12月31日前完成结婚手续,那么他们依照married filing jointly报税时MAGI达到了240k,超过了228k的上限,两人均不可以直接存Roth IRA。 再列举一些其他情形: 一次性费用,例如搬家费(非报销,而是直接给支票),sign on bonus 牛市,资产性收入暴涨(windfall) 退休账户之间的rollover,例如pre-tax 401...
Roth IRA Contribution Limits (Tax year 2024) Single Filers (MAGI)Married Filing Jointly (MAGI)Married Filing Separately (MAGI)Maximum Contribution for individuals under age 50Maximum Contribution for individuals age 50 and older under $146,000under $230,000$0$7,000$8,000 ...
2024 Roth IRA eligibility rules For 2024, if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is below $146,000 (single filers) or below $230,000 (married filing jointly), you can contribute the full amount the IRS allows to a Roth IRA. At incomes above those limits, the amount you can cont...
IRA 可以是Tax-Deductible IRA,也可以是After-Tax IRA的。每个人都可以存After-Tax IRA, 但不是每个人都可以有Tax-Ddeductible IRA。为啥呢?因为Tax-Deductible IRA 有收入限制的,它不仅仅跟收入有关,还跟你所在的工作单位是否提供退休金有关系。 大家看看这张图,我们以MFJ(Married Filing Jointly,夫妻联合报税)...
The amount you’re allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA in 2024 starts to phase out when your modified adjusted gross income hits $146,000 if you’re a single filer, or $230,000 if you’re married filing jointly. Here’s the breakdown, courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service: ...
Married Filing Jointly $218,000 to $228,000 $230,000 to $240,000 Married Filing Separately $0 to $10,000 $0 to $10,000 Source: Internal Revenue Service You can’t pay money into a Roth IRA if you don’t have earned income. However, your spouse can establish and fund a Roth IRA...
2025 Roth IRA Income Limit* Filing Status2025 MAGIContribution Limit Married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) Less than $236,000 $7,000 ($8,000 if you’re age 50 or older) $236,000 to $245,999 Reduced $246,000 or more Not eligible Single, head of ...
Married filing jointly $236,000 $246,000In a traditional IRA, income determines how much of your contribution you’re allowed to deduct. However, even if you make too much to qualify for any deduction, you’re still allowed to contribute up to the maximum limit set by the IRS each year...
Married filing jointly, qualifying widowerFull contribution: $230,000 Phase-out: $230,000 — $240,000Full contribution: $236,000 Phase-out: $236,000 — $246,000 Married filing separately (if you lived with your spouse at any time during the year)Full contribution: $10,000 ...