CalcXML's Roth IRA Conversion Calculator will help you determine if it makes sense for you to convert to a Roth IRA.
Click this link to create your ownRoth IRA Conversion Input Formin Microsoft Word format. More Accurate:Simulates your client's tax situation, applying formulas to salary, Social Security income, retirement income, and deductions, rather than just using a tax bracket. It also accurately computes ...
Now updated for 2024:Use this Roth Conversion Calculator to understand the tax implications of doing a Roth conversion in 2024. Compare estimated taxes when you do nothing, convert up to a specific threshold, or convert a custom amount. (To assess Roth conversions on your long-term wealth, us...
Under new rules that took effect in 2010, you can convert a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA no matter what your income is. If the conversion turns out to have adverse tax consequences, you'll have plenty of time to reverse the whole transaction, but only
You want to pay less tax on any amount you convert to a Roth this year than the amount you would pay if you waited until later to withdraw it. The exact amount depends on your annual taxable income, age, value of your IRA and how much it appreciates after conversion but before you ha...