IRA(Individual Retirement Account)分为两种:Traditional IRA和Roth IRA。Traditional IRA允许你在税前存钱,类似401(K),但退休后取款需缴税。而Roth IRA则允许你存税后钱,退休后取款免税。 🚫 收入限制:当夫妻联合收入超过$218,000-$228,000(2023年)时,无法再开设Roth IRA,只能选择Traditional IRA。 🔄 Backdo...
不过别担心,10年诞生了一个法案,给大家提供了“后门”机会(Backdoor Roth)。操作逻辑很简单:2023年你年收入20万元,其实不能存Roth IRA。只需去主流Broker开一个IRA存入你税后或存款(记住限额一样:6.5万元),几乎“同时”将这regular IRA convert to Roth IRA。Broker有详细介绍,操作容易。 总结 虽然大家都知道这...
方案1: backdoor Roth Backdoor Roth是一种绕开Roth收入限制的方法。若收入远远超过限制,可使用这种方法变相存Roth IRA。 但反过来,backdoor Roth并不是高收入人士专属,任何人均可使用。具体步骤是两步rollover, 6.5k cash -> traditional IRA traditional IRA -> Roth IRA 详细的税务规则,例如traditional IRA做roll...
IRA是Individual Retirement Account,个人退休账户。Roth IRA对存钱的人有收入上限要求。当您的收入超过税局规定的上限时,则不能往Roth IRA账户存钱。 Backdoor Roth IRA是一个策略,让不能往ROTH IRA账户存钱的高收入人群,可以通过这个策略达到往ROTH IRA存钱的目的。此操作一般不会产生税务问题。 注:一定需要有工作...
Because you already paid taxes on the “non-deductible” contribution to the Traditional IRA, there are no taxes to pay on the conversion. Regardless of your income, anyone can convert money in their Traditional IRA to their Roth IRA, hence the “backdoor” two-step process of getting money...
2023年的上限将涨到$6,500。 具体操作方法各个券商不同,但都比较简单。开了Traditional IRA和Roth IRA账户之后,都可以在网上自助操作。 需要注意的是,Roth转换是按自然年算的。除了每年$6,000的Backdoor转换,有些公司可能支持其他退休计划,比如401k转到Roth。所以,如果你在2023年1月1日后进行转换,是算2023年的...
When Would You Want to Convert to a Roth IRA? When Would You Not Want to Convert to a Roth IRA? Roth IRA Conversion Rules You Need to Know What Is the Backdoor Roth IRA and How Does It Work? Modeling IRAs in Your Own Plan The Deadline to Convert a Roth IRA Steps to Convert an...
🟢 “Backdoor Roth IRA” 这是一种通过向传统IRA缴纳未抵税的贡献,然后将该余额转换为Roth IRA的方法。这需要after-tax的钱,报税时要计入收入(必须在传统IRA中余额为零才能实现,具体搜索pro-rated rule)。简单来说,就是要经常清零传统IRA中的余额。 💯 划重点: ❗️2023年传统IRA和Roth IRA的限额为6...
Clean Backdoor Roth On Top If you also did a “clean” backdoor Roth in 2024 on top of converting your contribution for 2023, in other words, you also contributed to a Traditional IRA for 2024 in 2024 and converted both your 2023 contribution and your 2024 contribution in 2024, your 1099...
Backdoor Roth IRAs For 2024 and 2025, maximum Roth IRA contributions are $7,000 per year or $8,000 per year if you are 50 or older.7These limits do not apply to conversions fromtax-deferred savingsto a Roth IRA.2 In addition, people whose incomes exceed a certain amount may not be...