For joint filers, in 2024 your MAGI must be under $230,000. In 2025 your MAGI must be under $236,000 to make a full Roth IRA contribution. The maximum total annual contribution for all your IRAs combined is: Tax Year 2024 and 2025 - $7,000, if you're under age 50 / $8,000 ...
你可以每年pretax或after tax存一定额度$7,000(2024年)到Traditional IRA。如果是pretax,就类似于公司提供的pretax 401k:税延期,退休后本金和增值根据当时收入征税。但如果你公司已经提供了pretax 401k,而你的可税收入超过$161,000(单身)或$240,000(夫妻),那就只能存after tax contribution。总的来说,Traditional...
2) If I don’t perform a reverse roll over, but go ahead with the non-deductible Traditional IRA to Roth IRA full conversion (or full distribution) of the fund (earning and after tax contribution). And pay the tax on the tax income. Since at the end of the Yr 2020, I would have...
3)Roth 401k:after-tax contribution,拿出时候contribution和growth都不交税,提前拿出的话tax+10% penalty 我听说过Mega Backdoor,我该不该用..对我有什么用? 简单来说Mega Backdoor是IRS提供给大家一个省税工具,一个让你每年能把401k的钱转为Roth IRA, Roth 401k的方法,好处是在你退休时候投资收益可以免税。它...
A Roth IRA is an individual retirement account that you contribute to with after-tax dollars. Your contributions and investment earnings grow tax-free.
Backdoor:往Traditional IRA 里存6000,然后让券商把它变成ROTH IRA。每个人都可以做。 Mega backdoor:往After-tax 401k 里存钱,然后让券商把它转到Roth 401k/Roth IRA里。这个比如要公司的401k plan 支持这个操作。 最最想写的,是从Roth IRA 中取钱的顺序。Roth IRA最最重要的特点在于“取本金,不用到60岁,...
经过TCJA(Tax Cuts and Jobs Act)2017,IRA的Contribution规则有调整,如果你72岁了,还在继续工作,有Earned Income,那IRA是可以继续放的。在这之前,一旦开始RMD,那就不可以放IRA了。这一点大家要注意一下喔。 税务方面,Tax-Deductible 和 After-Tax IRA 在增长的过程中都是延税的,59½时取出来的时候呢,如果...
BACKDOOR ROTH IRA 的操作方法是先把钱以after tax contribution 的方式存到IRA中,然后convert 到ROTH IRA里。这个conversion 的动作中间产不产生税、产生多少税,跟你已经存在的TRADITIONAL IRA里的用pre tax contribution 放进去的钱有关系。 MEGA BACKDOOR ROTH的contribution limit 是$37,500(2020)。这个数字是在...
When you convert after-tax money to a Roth individual retirement account (Roth IRA), the principal is tax-free, but you must pay taxes on the earnings of that money. Before you convert to a Roth, calculate the tax liability. Make sure that you have enough funds on hand to pay any tax...
othertax-advantagedretirement plans, theInternal Revenue Service (IRS)has specific rules regarding Roth IRAs.These rules cover contribution limits, income limits, and how you can withdraw your money. For example, if your income is above a certain threshold, youcan't contribute to a Roth IRAat ...