Because you have met the five-year rule, you can withdraw the sum converted with no penalty or income taxes owed. It’s only if you touch the account’s investment gains that taxes and penalties come into play—though you may be able to avoid the penalty if you meet one of the allowab...
这张表格汇合了Roth IRA qualified withdrawal条件,ordering rule,以及两个五年规则。读者可测试一下是否能理解表格中的每一个项目Tax和Penalty的结果。 提示:FIVE YEAR CONVERSION HOLDING PERIDO即是recapture penalty的5年,而FIVE YEAR SINCE OPENING FIRST ROTH IRA则是5-year non-exclusion period。如果Roth IRA开...
增长部分如果想取出来需要符合两个条件:(1)年纪到59岁半,(2)账户至少5年。 2Roth IRA five-year rule: 从你最初开账户和放钱进去开始算,满5年后,从Roth里面拿钱就是qualified distribution了,不管你年纪多大时候才开了账户。比如,你58岁才开了账户,则需要等到你63岁的时候开始拿增长部分的钱才没有罚款。
» What to know about the five-year rule Roth vs. traditional IRAs The most distinctive difference between a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA is their tax treatment. However, many people have both types of IRAs as part of their retirement planning. You can also contribute to both in the ...
Roth IRA还有一些5-year rule,这些规则如果不搞清楚,很容易混淆。具体来说,如果你在账户里存了一笔钱,这笔钱需要在账户里待满5年才能避免罚款。所以,存钱的时候一定要考虑好这笔钱的用途和时间。 小结📝 总的来说,Roth IRA的取钱规则其实并不复杂,只要搞清楚年龄限制、取钱的顺序和5-year rule,就不会再...
Understanding 5-Year Rule for Roth Withdrawals.The article presents questions and answers about converting a traditional individual retirement account (IRA) to a Roth IRA in the U.S.GreeneKellyEBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition
所以这里可以得出一个结论:Traditional IRA 在收入<= T1时,效果等同于Traditional 401K。 >T1时,等价于After Tax 401K。Roth IRA 在收入 < T' 时,等价于Roth 401K。(这里我们忽略取款要求,RMD,5-year rule,仅仅对存钱和收益增长进行划分。) [注1]: 年龄>59.5 且你任意的401K/IRA账户已满五年。
what is the roth ira 5-year rule? 9. roth ira conversions there are income limits for roth ira contributions. those who earn more than $161,000 as an individual or $240,000 as a married couple can't directly contribute to a roth ira in 2024, and eligibility is phased out for ...
Another type of "5-year rule" applies when you convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. You'll need to wait five years to do with with no penalties. Each conversion has its own five-year period, but IRS rules stipulate the oldest conversions are withdrawn first. The order of withdrawals...
All of this can be confusing. To determine whether you are affected by this five-year rule, you need to consider whether the funds you now want to withdraw include converted assets, and if so what year those conversions were made. Try to keep this rule of thumb in mind: IRSordering rul...