在同一家公司开Traditional和Roth IRA账户 往Traditional IRA里contribute,最多$6,000 (2019) 让他们把这些convert成Roth,and profit! Mega Backdoor Roth IRA 这个mega backdoor的可操作金额是之前的至少5倍,因此得名 一个背景知识:所有的401k (Traditional + Roth + After-Tax+ Employer Match)的总额限制为$55...
Roth IRA vs Roth 401k: Which Will Work Better for You?Fortunately, most people won’t have to make a choice between a Roth IRA and a Roth 401(k). That’s because current law allows you to have both. That is, you can have a 401(k) plan with a Roth 401(k) provision and still...
Which is the Best ROTH IRA or ROTH 401k? Should I be putting more money towards my Roth IRA or Roth 401(k)? The good news is more employers are offering a ROTH 401(K) as part of their retirement plans. The bad news is this is giving people more choices, and sometimes too many ch...
IRA、ROTH IRA能不能借钱?— 美国借款十式(二) 本号专写与钱有关的事 这期回答一个由《美国借款十式(一)》引出的问题。当我写401k怎么借款时,有人一定会问:401k能借出来,IRA、ROTH IRA能不能借? 答案是:退休账户不能被借款,从IRA/ROTH IRA中拿钱全部认定为distribution。但有几种情况下可以从中取钱不...
Traditional 401kRoth 401kAfter-tax 401kTraditional IRARoth IRAHSA 存入時可抵稅 中間的資本利得暫不交稅 取出時免稅 什麼是 401(k) 401(k) 是由僱主提供給僱員的稅收優惠計劃。只有找到了工作才能通過僱主參與401(k)計劃。如果你在大學裡當教授或者Postdoc(或者PhD讀了很久),那可能還會見到403(b)這個計劃,...
类似于Roth IRA账目中的Roth regular contribution,designated Roth contribution是Roth 401(k)的basis,即本金。 Withdraw/Distribution pro-rata rule Roth 401(k)是401(k)的子账户,取出操作遵循401(k)的基本规则,即pro-rata rule:与traditional IRA一样,basis与earning会被成比例取出。
这个rollover操作是traditional IRA -> Roth IRA在 401k 中的等价形式。复杂的地方在于它的取出规则(distribution rule)。取出涉及到recapture penalty,因此Roth 401(k)也设置了对应的5年规则,再考虑与Roth IRA的账本合并就十分复杂了。 In-plan Roth rollover是Mega backdoor一个变种的必要操作(after-tax 401(k)-...
401k to Roth IRA Rollover RulesDetails Eligibility You can roll over a 401k to a Roth IRA if you have left the employer sponsoring the 401k and are no longer contributing to the plan. Some plans also allow in-service rollovers, but it’s best to check with your plan administrator for ...
例1、王女士有个税后IRA,$8,000,有$2,000块钱的增长,她又Rollover了$40,000 块钱的401k到IRA账户,她现在想Convert $10,000块钱到Roth IRA,大家算算,大概多少钱是要交税的? 1. $2,000块钱交税 2. $10,000都交税 3. $8,400交税 例2、如果她不Rollover 上面提到的401k的话,多少钱要交税呢?
Whether the Roth 401(k) or the Roth IRA is a better choice depends on age, income, and if you would like to use your savings before retirement.