I genuinely hope that through this site I can help remove some of the similar barriers you face today. I will share my own experiences and show how my rotator cuff exercise program has eliminated my rotator cuff pain. How my approach has vastly improved the quality of my life and more imp...
McMaster WC: Assessment of the rotator cuff and a remedial exercise program for the aquatic athlete, in Miyashita M, Mutoh Y, Richardson AB (eds): Medicine and Science in Aquatic Sports. Volume 39. Basel, S. Karger AG Pub, 1994, pp 213-217...
Rotator cuff injuries are very painful. As the rotator cuff fatigues from excessive use, weakness or lack of endurance, the ball of the shoulder joint becomes more mobile and moves upward. This causes the rotator cuff tendons to come in contact with the bone, which can lead to irritation of...
Targeted Exercise for the Rotator Cuff area for strong, flexible Shoulders! The shoulder is stabilized by four intricate muscles. These muscles called the rotator cuff, help keep the shoulder joint aligned and stable when the arm is moving. This exercise program elicits specific exercises to optimal...
Dear Lee was working out on a great program until I hurt my Right shoulder (cuff) thanks for the exercise examples I will give it a try really need the help. Tks agin. Frank Excellent presentation in simple to understand plain English Chuck S I have 2 chains hanging from my basement ...
Rotator Cuff Exercises How to strengthen the rotator cuff Before starting your exercise program, take stock of the range of motion in your shoulder. This will help you rate your progress. Begin your exercises slowly. Stop when you start to feel pain. ...
‘keep up’ with stronger muscles surrounding them. A program of specialist rotator cuff exercises to compliment regular strength training may be able to improve the strength of more isolated muscle groups such as the rotator cuff (5,6). Additionally, training these otherwise neglected muscles may...
Easy to read medical information about rotator cuff strains, tears, spasms. Information includes causes, diagnosis, surgeries, surgery rehabilitation, injury prevention and rotator treatment options.
Once your pain starts to diminish, a physiotherapist can set up an individualized rotator cuff strengthening and stretching exercise program for you to perform at home or in the gym. This will be based on your needs and abilities, and will help you return to performing your normal routines....
Muscles Targeted: If you are rehabilitating a rotator cuff injury or simply want to build strength in the small muscles of your shoulders, then external rotations are an excellent exercise to perform with resistance bands. The benefit of this exercise is that it isolates the small muscles of the...