<microsteps>:细分,常为16,在config文件中能看到该值 <steps_per_mm>:marlin固件中的步进值,泰坦挤出机经查询该值为393.3。
voron klipper ams 乌龟盒子 923 0 00:13 App voron Stealthburner 竹子热端款朱雀风道搞定 6691 1 09:21 App Voron2.4 klipper初始化配置之Z偏移值校准 Voron Tap Z偏移校准 Z高度校准 原理和实操 Voron2.4R2调试系列视频 2.2万 24 13:11 App 香橙派zero2 香橙派3 lts 安装klipper奶奶级保姆教程 voron...
Gear and pulley comes from Voron 2, here is example config –https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/Voron2.4/firmware/klipper_configurations/SKR_1.4/Voron2_SKR_14_Config.cfg#L179 Hey, I now it's been some time but I haven't checked the issues tab for a while, sorry. The mod ...