The meaning of ROTATION is the action or process of rotating on or as if on an axis or center. How to use rotation in a sentence.
Earth-Moon SystemLunar RangefindingEarth OrientationMathematical ModelsPlanet EphemeridesUniversal TimeThe project EROLD ( Earth Rotation from Lunar Distances) was conceived in 1974, in the COSPAR framework, with the goal of demonstrating that the lunar distances technique might be an efficient candidate ...
Darwin's theory of tidal friction now has the arbitrariness of its time-scale replaced by data from modern astronomical observations so that, in spite of various theoretical refinements, it leads to the unacceptable prediction of a catastrophic period in the history of the Earth-Moon system in th...
Rotation of Earth around the sun. The side that faces the sun is day. The side facing away from the sun is night Earth rotates once on its axis in 24 hours. The actual rotation is 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.1 seconds When viewed from above the North Pole, Earth rotates counterclockwise. ...
Revolution and Rotation of the Moon The Moon rotates and revolves in the same amount of time (the sidereal month) “Synchronous rotation” Thus we only ever see one face of the Moon If the Moon didn’t rotate, we could actually see both faces of the Moon during a month Both faces of ...
the altitude of the sun above the horizon changes. Solar noon is the time of day when the sun is at it's highest point. This time varies throughout the year. A shadow is always found on the opposite side of the object from the sun. If the sun is to the south, the shadow will ...
1.(captured rotation) The rotation of a natural satellite about its primary in which the period of rotation of the satellite is equal to its orbital period. The same hemisphere thus always faces the primary. The Moon is in synchronous rotation, althoughlibrationallows slightly more than one hemi...
rotation 翻译 rotation 翻译基本解释 ●rotation:旋转,轮换
A mathematical model for rotational-oscillatory motions of the Earth is constructed by applying celestial mechanics to the spatial problem of the Earth-Moon system subject to the Sun's gravitation. Some basic phenomena associated with tidal irregularity in the Earth's axial rotation and the polar os...
…a nonuniform unit, namely, the rotation of Earth. Time determined in this way is termed Universal Time. For astronomical purposes, it is preferable to utilize an invariant time frame such as Terrestrial Time (the modern successor to Ephemeris Time)—defined by the motion of the Sun, Moon,...