I have tried looking this up on the forums and around the internet, but I’m trying to branch out and play some different classes and I’m considering a rotation helper addon like Hekili but I’ve seen stories of people getting banned for using “rotation bots”. I know Heki...
Despite it’s name, it’s just a raid-frames addon. Other similar addons have come out since then such as VuhDo which are likely just as good, but for me, mine is so customized after all these years that switching would be like trying to steer the titanic. Lunagoat: If you take ...
If you want to use the addon directly from theGitHub repository, you would have to symlink every folder from this repository (HeroRotation folder and every class module, except for the template) to your WoW Addons folder. Furthermore, to make it work, you need to add the dependencies, whic...
Fan Central Current If a slam misses by facing the wrong way it will still cost Rage Quartz or another cast time bar addon helps greatly when trying to make this work. Players also need to develop a good sense of timing and the ability to think on their feet and adapt when they're fo...
Optimize your rotation and cooldowns to maximize your damage and DPS as an Arcane Mage in WoW Dragonflight 10.2.7.
Hey guys! My name is Amery and here is a little something about me: I've been playing WoW for about 15 years now. With that experience, I wanted to share all the things I have learned over the years. Subscribe {} [+] 4 Comments Most Voted Kaven 2 years ago Good Informati...
I recommend getting some kind of DoT tracker, WeakAuras are a great place to start for that. 1 Reply Matt Reply to Toon 1 year ago Can pick up the plater addon or threat plates, shows dots on nameplates and you can chose only to show yours. 0 Reply Swampyboi 1 year ago ...
Before You Begin I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. I am not playing on a private server. I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one. I edited the title of this issue...
Rune Grace is a mechanic in the game that is hard to track without a special addon, thus, I chose to not implement it as it can be harsh for new players. But you are right, it does indeed exist and it is important for completely mastering the class. Just like you have explained, ...
WoW Addon - Attempt to provide the useful and precise information to execute the best possible DPS rotation in every situation. - docs(readme): update · 5150-Dev/hero-rotation@cab9f62