For the sake of simplicity, the running gear of all three families of vehicles are referred to below as "Avenio running gear". If the specific vehicle type is relevant to the consideration, this is referred to in the text. The tram is run on a curve with R = 30 ...
A near real-time system to monitor the initiation of bead area damage in rolling tires was developed using vibration data collected from the wheel end spindle. To generate an accurate model of the forced response of the wheel end spindle, a tire on a fixed spindle was impacted with a modal...
Yoder, N.,Johnson, T,Adams,H,Douglas E.Near real-time monitoring of bead area damage inrolling tires using a rotating wheel model and multi-directional vibration data. Damage Assessment of Structures VII Key Engineering Materials . 2007
A near real-time system to monitor the initiation of bead area damage in rolling tires was developed using vibration data collected from the wheel end spindle. To generate an accurate model of the forced response of the wheel end spindle, a tire on a ...
who described a single-electrode R-TENG design that could be applied on bicycle tires in order to harvest mechanical energy from the spinning wheel [42]. The device contains an acrylic disk with PTFE blades that act as the electrification layer and an aluminum foil that is both the second ...
The stability of agricultural machines, earth-moving machines, snow-compaction machines and, in general, of all vehicles that may operate on sloping terrains is a very important technical feature and should not be underestimated. In fact, it is correlated, above all, to the safety of the operat...