Bose-Einstein condensates in optical potentialsOther Bose-Einstein condensation phenomenaWhen a Bose-Einstein-condensed cloud of atoms is given some angular momentum, it forms vortices arranged in structures with a discrete rotational symmetry. For these vortex states, the Hilbert space of the exact ...
Slowly rotating spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates are studied through a variational approach based upon lowest Landau level calculus. The author finds that in a gas with ferromagnetic interactions, such as {sup 87}Rb, angular momentum is predominantly carried by clusters of two different types of ...
We investigate minimal energy solutions with vortices for an interacting Bose-Einsteincondensate in a rotating trap. The atoms are strongly confined alongthe axis of rotation <italic>z</italic>, leading to an effective 2D situationin the <inline-formula
Boson systemsmulticomponent condensatesWe study the ground state of spin-2 dipolar rotating Bose–Einstein condensates in a harmonic potential. As the strength of dipolar interaction enhances, our results show that the vortex number becomes smaller and smaller at a fixed component. In addition, the ...
5. Modeling the effects of inertial forces on Bose-Einstein condensates in rotating frames of reference. [D] . Kandes, Martin Charles. 2015 机译:对旋转参考框架中的惯性力对玻色-爱因斯坦冷凝物的影响进行建模。 6. Exotic vortex lattices in a rotating binary dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate [O...
E. Pelinovsky, Bifurcations of multi-vortex configurations in rotat- ing Bose-Einstein condensates. Milan J. Math. 85 (2017), no. 2, 331-367.Garcia-Azpeitia C., Pelinovsky D.E.. Bifurcations of multi-vortex configurations in rotating bose-einstein condensates; preprint....
Bose-Einstein condensates in strong electric fields: Effective gauge potentials and rotating states - art. no. 053603 Kavuolakis,“Bose-Einstein condensates in strong electric fields: Effective gauge potentials and rotating states,” Phys - Kailasvuori, Hansson, et al. -... KJHTK Gm. - 《...
Bose-Einstein condensates with long-range interactions, such as dipolar interactions12,13, dipole-blockaded interactions14–16 or Rydberg-dressed interac- tions1,17,18 have recently been studied and supersolid droplet crystals have been discovered in a dipole-blockaded gas14–16. The dipole blockade ...
We consider ground states of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions in a homogeneous trap $V(x)$ of degree $2$ in $R^2$, which can be non-radially symmetric. For any fixed rotating velocity $0\le \Omega 0$ denotes the absolute product for the number of particles ...
A two-parameter continuation method for computing numerical solutions of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates 2014, Journal of Computational Physics Show abstract Spectral collocation and a two-level continuation scheme for dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates 2014, Journal of Computational Physics Show abstract A...