RotaTeq is indicated for the prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants and children caused by Types G1, G2, G3, G4, and G9 when administered as a 3-dose series to infants between the ages of 6 to 32 weeks. The first dose of RotaTeq should be administered between 6 and 12 ...
Related to Rotateq:Rotarix ro·ta·vi·rus (rō′tə-vī′rəs)·ta·vi·rus·es Any of a genus of wheel-shaped reoviruses, including one that causes gastroenteritis, especially in infants and newborn animals. [New LatinRotavīrus,genus name: Latinrota,wheel; seeret-inIndo...
From 3 February 2006 (when RotaTeq was licensed for use in the US) to 31 January 2007, the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received 28 case reports of intussusception in infants who received RotaTeq. Intussusception occurred after dose 1, dose 2 and dose 3, and ...
QHMS Rotavirus Vaccine- ROTATEQ (1 dose) , Oral Rotavirus Vaccine, Quality HealthCare Physical Centres. Rotavirus is the main cause of severe diarrhea and nausea in infants and young children. The virus can cause fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and sever
Among vaccine recipients, there were no confirmed cases of intussusception within the 42-day period after the first dose, which was the period of highest risk for the rhesus rotavirus-based product (see Table 2). Table 2: Intussusception cases by day range in relation to dose in Study 006 ...
receiving the first dose ofrotavirusvaccine, especially in the first 7 days. Get medical help right away if you notice symptoms such asbloody stoolsor sudden severeabdominal pain/diarrhea. In babies, symptoms may include pulling thekneesto the chest and crying, or crying when theabdomenis ...
To address the possibility that exclusions may have been extensive and led to biased estimates of completion rates, we conducted a claims database analysis in the HealthCore Integrated Research Database(SM) to evaluate the proportion of rotavirus vaccinated infants who completed the 3 dose series ...
ObjectivesA pentavalent 3-dose rotavirus vaccine, RotaTeq, has been available in the US since February 2006. The recommended schedule is first dose given at age 6鈥 12 weeks and doses 2 and 3 at 4- to 10-week intervals; dose 3 administered before 32 weeks. We assessed implementation for...
According to data from population-based immunisation information system sentinel sites, mean coverage with one dose of rotavirus vaccine among infants aged 3 months was 49.1% in May 2007 and 56.0% in March 2008; coverage with three doses among infants aged 13 months was 3.4% in May 2007 and...
BackgroundThe 3-dose oral pentavalent rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq has been demonstrated to be efficacious, immunogenic and to have a good safety profile. Results from trials show good immunogenicity and safety when RotaTeq is used concomitantly with current childhood vaccines. Concomitant use with ...