Generally, we recommend that you keep the power in the range (1,4] and not restricted to integers. Specifying promax is equivalent to promax(3). . rotate, promax normalize Factor analysis/correlation Method: iterated principal factors Rotation: oblique promax (Kaiser on) Number of obs = ...
Regarding the PROMAX exponent values, my own (little) experience shows that augmenting the obliquity of the factors can help uncover a "simpler" solution although I haven't ever reached a simple structure in Cattell's word. Gorsuch suggest in his book ("Factor Analysis") that the researcher ...
Because a “simple structure” did not emerge after varimax rotation, the factors were then rotated to the promax criterion. KMO统计为“极小的期望”规定值是0.97。 凭“scree”分析,三主要成分被提取了。 由于“简单的结构”没有在varimax自转以后涌现,因素然后被转动了到promax标准。 [translate] ...