annotation in polarplot File Exchange 카테고리 MATLABGraphics2-D and 3-D PlotsSurfaces, Volumes, and PolygonsSurface and Mesh Plots Help Center및File Exchange에서Surface and Mesh Plots에 대해 자세히 알아보기
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Try this (the letters of label are rotated but the aspect ratio remain constant so they can be read easily but are not look like "projected" on the xy plane) The angles depend on figure/axes aspect ratio, so if you resize ...
Rotate3d组函数在MATLAB中的使用 函数功能:用鼠标旋转三维图 使用方法: rotate3d on rotate3d off rotate3d rotate3d(figure_handle,...) rotate3d(axes_handle,...) h = rotate3d(figure_handle) 算例 Ex1 surf(peaks); rotate3d on Ex2 function demo_mbd hLine = plot(rand(1,10)); set(hLine,Butt...