In CSS, there are multiple techniques available to manipulate an element's position, size, and orientation. These methods can be categorized as either 2D or 3D transformation techniques. The latter includes a range of options for moving, rotating, scaling, and skewing elements along the x, y, ...
Do you want to know how to do basic image editing in the WordPress admin area? WordPress allows you to crop, rotate, flip, and scale image size without the help of any image editor. These features come in handy when you are away from your main computer and uploading images on the go....
2.1.29 Section 3.1.1, Generator 2.1.30 Section 3.1.2, Title 2.1.31 Section 3.1.3, Description 2.1.32 Section 3.1.4, Subject 2.1.33 Section 3.1.5, Keywords 2.1.34 Section 3.1.6, Initial Creator 2.1.35 Section 3.1.7, Creator 2.1.36 Section 3.1.8, Printed By 2.1.37 Section 3.1.9...
html css js2020-04-22 上传大小:1606KB 所需:9积分/C币 HTML5 3D魔方旋转拼图代码.zip 脚本简介HTML5 3D魔方旋转拼图代码是一款支持键盘上下左右方向键旋转拼图小游戏代码。 上传者:weixin_39840914时间:2019-07-04 HTML5 3D立方体旋转动画.zip HTML5 3D立方体旋转动画.zip ...
隐写去除 隐写去除采用的是DDSP模型,DDSP模型本质上是一个GAN网络,和SRGAN网络的结构非常类似,只不过DDSP网络的Generator是一个自编码器Autoencoder,在训练模型的过程中需要先训练自编码器,当自编码器收敛之后,再代入到GAN网络框架中进行对抗训练,GAN网络的鉴别器Discriminator是一个普通的卷积神经网络,主要是判别...