RCDI meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 am via Zoom, with a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting every other week at the Daniel Island Club and Blackbaud Headquarters. Breakfast is provided. Each week, a guest expert from the surrounding area speaks about a relevant and timely topic of intere...
W.H. Areson, the organization’s chair, said, “We are deeply indebted to the Rotary Club for their splendid generous action. The Club has proven again that it has the welfare of youth at heart.”The Club donated funds to the Community Hospital to purchase an oxygen tent....
May is Youth Services Month. Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) has been around since 1927 and the The Summerside Rotary Club has participated in this program for more than 40 years. RYE allows students from all around the world to live in and experience a new culture, language and environment. Th...