RI Convention Registration Connect in Calgary Rotarians in District 6360! We are close to goal with 21 of 24 District Rotarians signed up for the June 21-25, 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Canada! As a reminder of how cool this particular convention will be, please view attac...
At the Rotary International Convention in Singapore,Bill Gates thanked Rotary Members by videofor their role in polio eradication. His message celebrates the incredible progress we've made and reminds us that critical work remains to be done. Our goal is to raise US$50 million for the PolioPlus...
RegistRation and ticket FoRm 2008 Rotary international conventionMeeting, Rotaract PreconventionExchange, YouthPreconvention, OfficersBanquet, OfficersHarris, PaulEvent, Fellows