In Jalalabad,theRotary ClubofLa Jolla Golden Triangle, San Diego, California, United States, has supported numerous [...] 在贾拉拉巴德,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈拉霍亚金三角扶轮社十多年来一直支持女童和青年妇女从小学到大学的诸多教育 活动。
-barry M. | san diego, California "...watched as many of the videos as I could, doing the drills when appropriate and soaking up as much information as I could. Two days later I played in my weekly competition applying what I had learned and won the day shooting 40 stableford points ...
The Rotary Club Forum on Thursday evening at the Hilton Garden’s Inn was the talk of town on Friday. Candidate Thomas K. Arnold was particularly impressed with Evan Rodgers. Evan gave an absolutely terrific performance today at the Rotary Club forum. She spoke incredibly well and showed ...
When I was at Rotary International Assembly in San Diego, CA (Jan. 2019) we had the pleasure of meeting and hearing the family story of Carl Chinnery, and his family’s perils with Polio. This is a very personal story penned by of his 89 year old mother, and read to all of us by...
Rotary International Assembly gathers more representatives than the United Nations. Rotary’s 540 District Governors connected with each other and International Leadership in San Diego last week. The focus was service, the theme“Rotary: Making A Difference”, and the tone was certainly…International....