在第60分钟,Simon Murray以近距离射门将Ross County领先。然而,短短12分钟后,Bruce Anderson为Livingston扳平比分。Kurtis Guthrie将球送到了Anderson的脚下,他的射门穿过了Ross County门将Ross Laidlaw的腿。VAR确认了这个进球的有效性。Ross County的球迷要求对犯规的Ayo Obileye出示红牌,但他只被出示了一张黄牌。
简体名: 莱德劳 报错 繁体名: R.萊德奧 英文名: Ross Laidlaw 国籍: 苏格兰 体重: 78kg 身高: 201cm 生日: 1992-07-12 惯用脚: 右脚 预计身价: 30万英镑 现效力球队 现效力球队 球衣号码 位置 罗斯郡 1 守门员 球员转会记录 转会赛季 转会时间 合同到期 来自 去向 转会费 类型 2009-2010 2009-07-01 ...
Ross County Squad goalkeepers NamePOSAgeHTWTNATAPPSUBSVGAAFCFAYCRC Ross Laidlaw1 G 32 6' 7" 172 lbs Scotland 15 0 36 27 0 0 2 0 0 Jordan Amissah18 G 23 6' 6" -- Ghana 9 0 31 13 0 0 0 0 0 Jayden Reid41 G 23 -- -- Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 outfield ...
然而,短短12分钟后,Bruce Anderson为Livingston扳平比分。Kurtis Guthrie将球送到了Anderson的脚下,他的射门穿过了Ross County门将Ross Laidlaw的腿。 VAR确认了这个进球的有效性。Ross County的球迷要求对犯规的Ayo Obileye出示红牌,但他只被出示了一张黄牌。比赛以1-1的平局结束。Livingston的下一场比赛是在9月23日...
Ross Laidlaw (born 12 July 1992) is a Scottish footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Scottish club Hibernian. In the game FIFA 19, his overall rating is 61.
Jun 30, 2025On loan €575K€17K1394 M. Efete RBCB 276061SUB(24) 2024 ~ 2026 €250K€5K1611 J. Reid LBLM 226071SUB(43) 2023 ~ 2026 €525K€4K1538 R. Laidlaw GK 316464SUB(1) 2019 ~ 2026 €300K€4K952 C. Telfer CAMCMCDM ...
Ross Laidlaw 15 0 Scott Allardice 15 0 Eamonn Brophy 11 0 Victor Loturi 11 0 Jordan Amissah 10 0 Nohan Kenneh 7 0 Charles Telfer 7 0 George Robesten 6 0 Josh Reid 6 0 Glossary RK:Ranking NAME:Athlete name P:Games played G:Goals scored A:Assists SPFL Premiership News Iraq requests...
However, the Terrors would not be denied and finally broke the deadlock in the 57th minute when Will Ferry produced an outstanding cross into the Staggies box towards Stephenson who gave Laidlaw no chance, sending a powerful diving header into the back of ...
Ross County PES 2020 Stats - Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 stats for all Ross County players including Joe Chalmers, Richard Foster and Don Cowie.
【全员罗斯】苏超球队罗斯郡Ross County,全队有5人叫Ross,门将位置所有3人都叫Ross,包括上周刚租借来的门将 Ross Laidlaw Ross Munro Ross Doohan 此外,他们还有一名中场和一名前锋也叫Ross……昨晚结束的苏超...