还有monica父母一开始知道monica和richard在一起 也是震惊了一秒 然后就没有然后了哈哈 赞(1)...
看老友记学英语 第二季 7 集:The One Where Ross Finds Out [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is sitting at the couches, Chandler enters.] scene: (戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节 apartment: 房间 couch: 长沙发 enter: 进入 -Chandler: OK, what is it about me? Do I not ...
Friends老友记 Episode 207:The One Where Ross Finds Out The One Where Ross Finds Out [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is sitting at the couches, Chandler enters.] CHAN: OK, what is it about me? Do I not look fun enough? Is there something. . . repellant. . . about ...
看老友记学英语第二季7集:The One Where Ross Finds Out [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is sitting at the couches, Chandlerenters.] scene:(戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节apartment:房间couch:长沙发enter:进入 -Chandler: OK, what is it about me? Do I not look fun enough?
Rachel:Phoebe just found out about Monica and Chandler. Joey:You mean how they're friends and nothing more? (Glares at Rachel.) Rachel:No. Joey, sheknows! We were at Ugly Naked Guy's apartment and we saw them doing it through the window. (Joey gasps) Actually, we saw them doing it...
Season 1, Episode 20: The One with the Fake Monica 27 April 1995 Season 1, Episode 21: The One with the Ick Factor 4 May 1995 Season 1, Episode 22: The One with the Birth 11 May 1995 Season 1, Episode 23: The One Where Rachel Finds Out 18 May 1995 Season 2 Season 2, Episode...
看老友记学英语第二季7集:TheOneWhereRossFindsOut [Scene:MonicaandRachefsapartment.Everyoneissittingatthecouches, Chandlerenters.] scene:(戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节apartment:房间couch:长沙发enter:进入 -Chandler:OK,whatisitaboutme?DoInotlookfunenough?Isthere something...repellant.・・aboutme?
[Scene:Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is sitting at the couches, Chandler enters.] CHAN:OK, what is it about me? Do I not look fun enough? Is there something. . . repellant. . . about me? RACH:So, how was the party?
看老友记学英语 第二季 7集:The One Where Ross Finds Out [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is sitting at the couches, Chandler enters.] scene: (戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节 apartment: 房间 couch: 长沙发 enter: 进入 ...
E. This year the six friends wil gettogetherfor the show's big birthday.解析:根据空格处的前一句:25 years ago,people met Ross Monica, Chandler Phoebe,Joey and Rachel for the firsttime in the TVshow Friends.25年前,人们在电视剧《老友记》中第一次见到了罗斯、莫妮卡、钱德勒、菲比、乔伊和瑞秋。