Explore the Healthiest Communities assessment of Ross County in Ohio through 92 measures that influence community health.
1ROSS TOWNSHIP, OHIO—Some Ohio high school students are regional winners in a national contest after inventing a mobile device app that helps needy families find local food pantries(食品储藏室). And someday the teens who are students at Ross High School in Ross Township, may be selling the...
To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is be... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 ...
Soil survey of Ross County, Ohio. Sixty-seven series representing gray-brown pod-zolic and red-yellow podzolic soils, sols bruns acides, brunizems, humic gleys, planosols, bog soils, rendzi... J. Petro,WH Shumate,M. Tabb - 《Soil Survey Reports United States Department of Agriculture...
The Ross County Fair Board is excited to announce the plans for a new commercial event center! The building we are currently using was built in 1945. The committee has been working diligently to construct a new building that will be very versatile for all of Ross County and many other coun...
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County Commissioner David Glass began his first term on January 2, 2025, as one of the youngest ever elected to the role in Ross County history. Glass brings professional economic development & business experience, having served in various positions during his career including: Ohio Department of ...
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Bainbridge, Ross County, Ohio, the Cradle of Dental EducationBainbridge, Ross County, Ohio, the Cradle of Dental Education - Journal of the American Dental Associationdoi:10.14219/jada.archive.1932.0053MillsEdward C.Journal of the American Dental Association...
English: Ross Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania French: Ross Township German: Ross Township Italian: Ross Japanese: ロス郡区 Min Nan Chinese: Ross Township Portuguese: Ross Township Russian: Росс Serbian: РосТауншип Serbo-Croatian: Ross Township, Pennsylvania Serbo-Croatian:...